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A fine young book-learned scholar, already knighted, and with all these Wildschloss lands too!" said Sir Eberhard, gazing with a strange puzzled look at the delicate but spirited features of this strange perplexing son. "Reach hither your hand, boy."

Na, na, quo' I, depend upon't the lard's been imposed upon wi that wily do-little deevil, Johnnie Howie. But Lord haud a care o' us, sirs, how can that be, quo' she again, when the laird's sae book-learned, there's no the like o' him in the country side, and Johnnie Howie has hardly sense eneugh to ca' the cows out o' his kale-yard? Aweel, aweel, quo' I, but ye'll hear he's circumvented him with some of his auld-warld stories, for ye ken, laird, yon other time about the bodle that ye thought was an auld coin"

But I feel that but few of these islanders can ever be book-learned; and I would sooner see them content to be taught plain truths by qualified persons than puzzling themselves to no purpose by the doubtful use of their little learning. You know that I don't want to act the Romish Priest amongst them. I don't want to domineer at all.

"Lor', brother! how learned in lils you are!" "Many words of Norse are to be found in our vulgar sayings, Jasper; for example in that particularly vulgar saying of ours, 'Your mother is up, there's a noble Norse word; mother, there, meaning not the female who bore us, but rage and choler, as I discovered by reading the Sagas, Jasper." "Lor', brother! how book-learned you be."

But what do you think, Andres, you who are so book-learned?" "The sun is the greatest power," said Master Andres. "It rules over all life, and science has discovered that all strength and force come from the sun. When it falls into the sea and cools, then the whole world will become a lump of ice." "Then the sea is the greatest power!" cried Jeppe triumphantly.

An' her marriage day's a-gettin' near, and old Capilet, he's stuck on her marryin' the count, an' the day's been named, and everything provided for the weddin'. Well, Romeo takes a thought, an' goes to a friar, a kind o' priest, as was a very book-learned man, and asks if he can help him.

Ah, childer! that's t' last o' t' old stock for ye and Mr. St. John is like of different soart to them 'at's gone; for all your mother wor mich i' your way, and a'most as book-learned. She wor the pictur' o' ye, Mary: Diana is more like your father." Both were fair complexioned and slenderly made; both possessed faces full of distinction and intelligence.

that masked thing like a monkey jumped from among the chemicals and whipped into the cabinet, it went down my spine like ice. Oh, I know it's not evidence, Mr. Utterson. I'm book-learned enough for that; but a man has his feelings, and I give you my Bible-word it was Mr. Hyde!" "Ay, ay," said the lawyer. "My fears incline to the same point.

"Don't fly no false colors, sticks to his job, ready to take hold of anything from a lobster pot to a sheet anchor, honest grit straight through. Lord, what a ship captain he would make! But they don't teach navigation at your school." "I don't know," answered Brother Bart. "I'm not book-learned, as I've told ye; but there's little that isn't taught at St.

Hence the book-learned class, who value books, as such; not as related to nature and the human constitution, but as making a sort of Third Estate with the world and soul. Hence the restorers of readings, the emendators, the bibliomaniacs of all degrees. This is bad; this is worse than it seems. What is the right use? What is the one end which all means go to effect?