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When I passed the big department store, next to Troyon's, I was thinking of this, and I turned in there, just aching for some of the boodle that flaunts itself in a poor girl's face when she's desperate, from every silk and satin rag, from every lace and jewel in the place. The funny part of it is that I didn't want it for myself, but for Tom.

No," he shook his grizzled head, "you can't never make nuthin' of me but a lumber-boss. You'll never be a thing but a college-bred fighter all your life. There's a third share in this thing for both of us. Well, that's goin' to be one a' mighty pile. I was wonderin'. Shall you quit? Shall you cut right out with the boodle? What'll you do?" Bull sat up and laughed.

"Yis, the whole kit an' boodle of 'em is gone, an' the purty man wid 'em." "Hallelujer!" roared Jim. "Yis, and be gorry he's got me hundred dollars," said Mike. "What did ye gi'en it to 'im for, Mike? I didn't take ye for a fool." "Well, ye see, I wint in for ile, like the rist of 'em. Och! ye shud 'ave seen the owld feller talk! 'Mike, says he, 'ye can't afford to lose this, says he.

"The boodle you carry. Fork it over!" "Gentlemen," said Will, smiling, "this is a case where it takes a thief to catch a thief." "What's that?" cried one of the outlaws, his feelings outraged by the frank description. "Not that I'm the thief," continued Will, "but your pals were one too many for you this time."

"Had we not better send off for a surgeon," asked Headland, "though I will do my best in the meantime." "He or the messenger might be shot at on his way," answered Harry. "Your doctoring will be quite sufficient for the present, and we shall see how I feel in the morning." Boodle soon appeared with the wine. He almost let the bottle drop as he saw the blood on Harry's dress.

This house used to be a private residence some twenty-five years ago, and a German family of the name of Steinhardt lived here. They had a big business in Wall Street, and stood 'way up in things." "Ah!" said her listener. "Oh yes, they did, right at the top, till one fine day it all bust and the old man skipped with the boodle " "Skipped with the boodle?"

"And we'll make that all right for you yet. Gentlemen, when they have so much to gain, shouldn't take a no too easy. You come with your handy glove, and we'll see about it again." Then Sophie walked off leaning upon the arm of Captain Boodle, and Archie stood at the door watching them till they turned out of sight round the corner of tire Square.

At this time Captain Boodle or Doodles, as he was familiarly called had again ascended to the billiard-room, and was hard at work. "Let her know that I'm there," repeated Archie, mentally. Everything was contained in, that precept. And he, with his hands before him on his knees, went through the process of steadying a horse with the snaffle-rein, just touching the curb, as he did so, for security.

There's about five thousand dollars of the whole value in silks and teas and nut-oils and that, all in the lazarette, and as safe as if it was in Kearney Street. The brig was new coppered a year ago. There's upwards of a hundred and fifty fathom away-up chain. It's not a bonanza, but there's boodle in it; and we'll try it on."

"It's too bad you didn't bring a letter or two. One would have made it easy work. You look as well as any of them, and you've got the boodle. Where did you come from, anyway?" "New York." Chapman puckered his lips about his cigar. "That's bad. It's harder for a non-commissioned New-Yorker to get into society than for a district-attorney to get into heaven.