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And Captain Boodle, in his energy, twisted himself in his chair, and brought his heel round, so that it could be seen by Archie. Then he produced a sharp click with his tongue, and made the peculiar jerk with the muscle of his legs, whereby he was accustomed to evoke the agility of his horses. After that, he looked triumphantly at his friend.

"The frogs croak at night, but the sky remains dark," said the glasses, smirking slightly. "Nonsense," replied the beard. "What I have said is self-evident. Sir Humphrey Boodle even noted it." "But Boodle has been refuted these three hundred years." "Well, Calesimon said so, too." "Hah!" cried the glasses with a laugh of forced incredulity. "Calesimon! Calesimon was an idiot!"

Unfortunately for me I was not born of the masses, as the royal knights of labor are now called by the American aristocrats of boodle. By birth I was supposed to be exalted above the lower strata of humanity. My parents were wealthy. My father gave me an education to be a slave driver over the common people. His blood runs in my veins, but my heart is not of his heart.

Now, you hark at me. I'm the real thing a good old Cotton-Petticoat birth, breeding and boodle. Your Porgie person has none of these " "But he loves me!" Warble wailed. "Yes, 'cause he can't get you. Go along with him, and then see where you'll be! No, my Soufflee, you hear me! Can the Porgie and stick to your own Big Bill your own legit." "But you don't love me "

And in order that my dear old father and mother may have the benefit of my rascality in case anything unforeseen should arise to prevent my return, I suggest you hand over the boodle this minute, and I'll go ashore and express it home." "Captain Murphy, you are a man after my own heart " "I am not a born fool, sir," Murphy interrupted.

Headland having helped Harry to his room, received his directions where to find the servants, and went in search of them without waiting to hear more of his adventures. "Thieves and robbers in the house! I'll be after them anon," exclaimed Boodle, the old butler, from within, giving sundry grunts and groans while trying to arouse himself.

"Give 'em her, Clavvy, and she'll like you the better for it. She'll know, then, that you mean it." It was thus that Captain Boodle instructed his friend Archie Clavering how to woo Lady Ongar; and Archie, as he listened to his friend's words of wisdom, felt that he had learned a great deal. "That's the way I'll do it, Doodles," he said, "and upon my word I'm very much obliged to you."

Seems as though they were a sort of trust. Though I s'pose most of the boys they belonged to are dead and gone long ago." "I don't imagine there's anything really valuable in any of the chests," remarked Drew. "No, I don't think the hull kit an' boodle of 'em is worth twenty dollars," acquiesced the old man. "Although you can't always tell.

The use to which the funds thus contributed were put was revealed in a letter written apparently by W.W. Dudley, treasurer of the National Republican Committee, and sent to party leaders in Indiana. The latter were directed to find out who had the "Democratic boodle" and force them, presumably by competition, to pay big prices for their own men.

The trials of the Boodle aldermen to go on at New York. Large failures of business houses. Fears of a business crisis. A large grist of burglaries and larcenies. A woman murdered in cold blood for her money at New Haven. A householder shot by a burglar in this city last night. A man shoots himself in Worcester because he could not get work. A large family left destitute.