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Georgina had started on a search for Georgie Porgie, who might be in Rangoon, or across the Black Water, or dead, for aught that she knew. Chance favoured her. An old Sikh policeman told her that Georgie Porgie had crossed the Black Water. She took a steerage-passage from Rangoon and went to Calcutta; keeping the secret of her search to herself.

At last, she found a regiment on the line of march, and met there one of the many subalterns whom Georgie Porgie had invited to dinner in the far-off, old days of the dacoit-hunting. There was a certain amount of amusement among the tents when Georgina threw herself at the man's feet and began to cry.

Something borne on men's shoulders comes by in the half-light, and I stand back. A woman's corpse going down to the burning-ghat, and a bystander says, 'She died at midnight from the heat. So the city was of Death as well as Night after all. Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the girls came out to play Georgie Porgie ran away.

Sitting in front of his door in the evenings, he taught Georgina a dry philosophy which did not console her in the least. The trouble was that she loved Georgie Porgie just as much as the French girl in the English History books loved the priest whose head was broken by the king's bullies.

Now, you hark at me. I'm the real thing a good old Cotton-Petticoat birth, breeding and boodle. Your Porgie person has none of these " "But he loves me!" Warble wailed. "Yes, 'cause he can't get you. Go along with him, and then see where you'll be! No, my Soufflee, you hear me! Can the Porgie and stick to your own Big Bill your own legit." "But you don't love me "

An Englishman stopped her, in the twilight, just at the turn of the road into Sutrain, saying, 'Good Heavens! What are you doing here? He was Gillis, the man who had been Georgie Porgie's assistant in Upper Burma, and who occupied the next post to Georgie Porgie's in the jungle. Georgie Porgie had applied to have him to work with at Sutrain because he liked him.

All the officials who came in contact with him departed with the idea that Georgie Porgie was a valuable person, well able to take care of himself, and, on that belief, he was left to his own devices. At the end of a few months he wearied of his solitude, and cast about for company and refinement.

The Burmese girl's name was not a pretty one; but as she was promptly christened Georgina by Georgie Porgie, the blemish did not matter. Georgie Porgie thought well of the petting and the general comfort, and vowed that he had never spent five hundred rupees to a better end. After three months of domestic life, a great idea struck him.

The local paper described the affair at great length, even down to giving the hymns in full. But that was because the Direction were starving for want of material. Then came a honeymoon at Arundel, and the Mamma wept copiously before she allowed her one daughter to sail away to India under the care of Georgie Porgie the Bridegroom.

This thing was done, and Georgie Porgie never repented it.