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Updated: August 23, 2024

To be sure, a more experienced observer might have noted a lively, excitable tropical temperament set and cast in a cold Northern mould, and yet flashing fire now and then in a sudden anomalous out-bursting. But Bles missed this; he seemed to have slipped and lost his bearings, and the characteristics of his simple world were rolling curiously about.

His face brought back unuttered things that made his heart beat faster and a yearning surge within him. "I thought you went to Chicago," cried Bles. "I did, but goin' into politics having entered the political field, I came here. And you graduated, I suppose, and all that?" "No," Bless admitted a little sadly, as he told of his coming north, and of Senator Smith's influence. "But but how are all?"

The Senator held out his hand; Bles took it and then remembered. "Oh, I beg pardon, but Miss Wynn wanted a word on another matter." The Senator turned to Miss Wynn. "I am a school-teacher, Senator Smith, and like all the rest of us I am deeply interested in the appointment of the new school-board." "But you know the district committee attends to those things," said the Senator hastily.

Petri Bles. epist. 136. in Biblioth. Patr. tom. xxiv. p. 1048. The greatest monarchs were not ashamed, on occasion, to have recourse to their assistance; and as their habits of war and depredation had given them experience, hardiness, and courage, they generally composed the most formidable part of those armies which decided the political quarrels of princes.

Miss Taylor hurried out, forgetting her pin. Zora looked it over leisurely, and tried it on. She decided that she liked it, and putting it in her pocket, went out too. School was out but the sun was still high, as Bles hurried from the barn up the big road beside the soft shadows of the swamp.

For the development of her plans she needed Bles Alwyn's constant cooperation. He was business manager of the school and was doing well, but she wanted to point out to him the larger field.

The pin is mine. You stole it. If you had wanted a pin and asked me I might have given you " The girl blazed. "I don't want your old gifts," she almost hissed. "You don't own what you don't need and can't use. God owns it and I'm going to send it back to Him." With a swift motion she whipped the pin from her pocket and raised her arm to hurl it into the swamp. Bles caught her hand.

Miss Wynn asked after a few words of congratulation. "No. What for?" "What for?" she answered. "Go to him today; don't fail. I shall be at home at eight tonight." It seemed to Bles an exceedingly silly thing to do calling on a busy man with no errand; but he went.

Then in sheer weariness the anger died within his soul, leaving but ashes and despair. Slowly he turned away, but with a quick motion she stood in his path. "Bles," she cried, "how can I grow pure?" He looked at her listlessly. "Never never again," he slowly answered her. Dark fear swept her drawn face. "Never?" she gasped.

"Yes, I am," she replied, with unmistakable positiveness. He started off, and hesitated. "Miss Smith, would Jim do to drive?" "No," sharply. "I want you particularly." At another time she might have observed his anxiety, but today she was agitated. She knew she was taking a critical step. Slowly Bles hitched up. After all it might not rain, he argued as they jogged toward town.

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