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Distinctly then, from beyond the imperfectly closed door, came to the ears of Benny and Mr. Smith these words, in Mrs. Blaisdell's most excited accents: "Mellicent, it's Carl Pennock. He wants you to go auto-riding with him down to the Lake with Katie Moore and that crowd." "Mother!" breathed an ecstatic voice. What followed Mr.

David, not guessing that the reins had been transferred to Shirley's hands not guessing, in fact, that they had ever been out of Shirley's hands was trudging listlessly, not to his office, but to Jim Blaisdell's bank. His note fell due that day. "Same old story," he told Jim. "I'd like to renew, if you don't mind." Jim fingered the note thoughtfully.

There was an unmistakable frown on Mrs. James D. Blaisdell's countenance as she said the words. "Well, I'm sure I don't see why he should. WE don't keep boarders!" "But, Hattie, we could," interposed her husband eagerly. "There's that big front room that we don't need a bit. And it would help a lot if " At the wrathful warning in his wife's eyes he fell back silenced.

"B-Blaisdell business?" he stammered. "Why, I I thought he was er interested in motoring and golf." "Oh, he was, for a time; but it's too cold for those now, and he got sick of them, anyway, before it did come cold, just as he does of everything. Well, yesterday he asked a question something about Father Blaisdell's mother; and that gave me the idea.

Although many of these visitors were strangers to him, some of them he knew. One day it was Mrs. Hattie Blaisdell, with a countenance even more florid than usual. She was breathless and excited, and her eyes were worried. She was going to give a luncheon, she said. She wanted Miss Maggie's silver spoons, and her forks, and her hand painted sugar-and- creamer, and Mother Blaisdell's cut-glass dish.

Blaisdell placed a huge, kindly hand on his shoulder. "Brace up, son!" he said, with voice now clear and resonant. "Shore it's what your dad expected an' what we all must look for.... If yu was goin' to kill Jorth before think how shore y'u're goin' to kill him now." "Blaisdell's talkin'," put in Blue, and his voice had a cold ring. "Lee Jorth will never see the sun rise ag'in!"

Another cowardly shot had been fired from ambush, this time from a pine thicket bordering the trail that led to Blaisdell's ranch. Blaisdell heard this shot, so near his home was it fired. No trace of the hidden foe could be found. The 'ground all around that vicinity bore a carpet of pine needles which showed no trace of footprints.

The "other woman" came here, too, but for a very different reason. Nothing but business seemed to impress Millefleur, however. "Oh, yes," he volunteered, "we have a fine class. Among my own patients I have Hugh Dayton, the actor, you know, leading man in Blanche Blaisdell's company. He is having his hair restored. Why, I gave him a treatment this afternoon. If ever there is a crazy man, it is he.

But the silence of years had been broken, and Caleb kept on. "Why, I was goin' over to Blaisdell's myself to buy 'em back. Here's my wallet an' my bank-book. Don't that prove it? I was goin' to pay any price he asked. I set an' mulled over it all the evenin'. It got late, an' then I started. It al'ays has took me a good long spell to make up my mind to things.

Blaisdell's instructions, remained himself at the mine, superintending the work. It was one of those perfect days, so frequent among the mountains; a cloudless sky, and the air so clear that one could see the most distant mountain peaks with wonderful distinctness.