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Updated: August 9, 2024

His vocal greeting, with slight variation from time to time, was in such words with little regard for their meaning as he had caught from the ox-driving dialect of the passing emigrants: "Wo-haw-buck," "Hello, John, got tobac?" If he added "Gimme biskit," and "Pappoose heap sick," he had about reached the limit of his English vocabulary.

We'll have the cook next, bad as he is." "You'll have biskit an' water," said the cook icily, as they moved off, "an' nothing else, I'll take care." "They must be uncommon fond o' me," said the skipper meditatively. "Uncommon fond o' having their own way," growled the mate. "Nice thing you've let yourself in for." "I know what I 'm about," was the confident reply.

"Biskit," said Moses, with his mouth full, "an' look out for Spinkie." He handed forward a deep tray of the sailor's familiar food, but Nigel was too slow to profit by the warning given, for Spinkie darted both hands into the tray and had stuffed his mouth and cheeks full almost before a man could wink!

"Invite my father to a feast," said Chingatok eagerly, "and me too, and my mother too; also my wife, and some of the braves with their wives. And you must give us biskit an' what do you call that brown stuff?" "Coffee," suggested the Captain. "Yes, cuffy, also tee, and shoogre, and seal st- ate what?" "Steak eh?" "Yes, stik, and cook them all in the strange lamp.

They got enough of that, during their long hours on deck, to counteract the stifling odours of the regions below! "Now, then, boys, dar you is," said Zulu, placing a huge pot on the floor, containing some sort of nautical soup. "I's cook you soup an' tea, an' dar's sugar an' butter, an' lots o' fish and biskit, so you fire away till you bu'st yourselves."

It took the last ornament from our church, which thenceforth looked desolated enough. When Maurice Mapleson came the bouquet came back. But it was made mostly of wild flowers. I think his wife began it. Perhaps it was this which suggested to Miss Moore's fertile brain the idea of a church-garden. At all events one Wednesday after prayer-meeting Miss Moore and Mrs. Biskit came to me.

I gave her the dollar and thought no more about it; indeed, I should have accounted the scheme quite chimerical if there had been any one at the head of it except Miss Moore. However, the next week, as I was passing the church, I saw Miss Moore and Mrs. Biskit at work in the churchyard.

"He threw down a biskit so sudden that Joseph, thinking it was a stone, went off like a streak o' lightning with 'is tail between 'is legs and yelping his 'ardest. Most men would ha' looked a bit foolish, but Bob Pretty didn't turn a hair. "'Ain't it wunnerful the sense they've got, he ses to Mr. Bunnett, wot was still staring arter the dog. "'Sense? ses the old gen'leman.

'Of course, continued the kind-hearted capitalist, 'if it were not for foreign competition I should be able to sell these things that you have made, and then I should be able to give you Plenty of Work again: but until I have sold them to somebody or other, or until I have used them myself, you will have to remain idle. 'Well, this takes the bloody biskit, don't it? said Harlow.

Besides, p'r'aps it ain't 'is fault p'r'aps he's gone mad. "'HELP! ses the old gen'leman, in a voice that might ha' been heard a mile away. "'Why don't you keep quiet? ses Bob. 'You're on'y frightening the pore animal and making things worse. Joseph, leave go and I'll see whether there's a biskit in my pocket. Why don't you leave go? "'Pull him off. Hit 'im, ses Mr. Bunnett, shouting.

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