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Now you must meet the bunch. They're all down here to meet their husbands or something just as good. Now you behave yourself." "Yop." She had a grip on herself. She was ready to kiss and be friends with them all. But she was scared at the rackety pack who ballyhooed like Coney Island and surged down upon her like a Niagara Falls.

"But if he could behave like that," replied the doctor, quickly, "if he could throw over such a nice girl as you for no reason worth speaking of, I should call him a nasty-tempered fellow, whom you ought to be glad to be rid of." "Ah, but you would be wrong," retorted Doreen, with a little flush in her face.

These new-comers are people of uncouth voices and loud laughter, and behave themselves as if they were trying to turn their expedition to as much account as possible in the way of enjoyment. John's boat, the regular passenger-boat, is now coming in, and probably brings the mail.

"Ah!" said Gillie, with the air of a cross-examining advocate, "the keewestion is not w'ether I could behave myself if I wos to try, but, w'ether I think I could. Well, ahem! that depends. I think I could, now, if there was offered a very strong indoocement." "Just so, my lad," returned the Captain, nodding, "that's exactly what I mean to offer.

Yes, virtue had its compensations; and as soon as he had money to his own credit, he would figuratively take Mirabelle by the scruff of the neck, and he would tell her just exactly how to behave, and he would see that she did it. But for the present soft diplomacy. Mirabelle clamped his arm. "Why, what's that policeman stopping us for, right in the middle of a block!"

We made all the sail we could, the battle signal always flying at the fore; and the enemy, taking encouragement from the behavior of some of our captains, now showed the first signs of waiting for us. Whereupon the admiral ordered Captain Fogg to send to the other captains and bid them keep their line and behave themselves like men.

Believing that I was following a direct instruction, I clasped my fan to my bosom and held it there as we walked up the aisle, and during the ceremony, wondering why the others did not do so, too. The baby in my mother's arms Octavia, the eighth daughter shocked me by crying a little, but I tried to behave the better on that account. It all seemed very solemn and mysterious to me.

"College boys may be full of mischief, at times," Dick returned, "but at least they know how to behave well when they should do so. College men never think it funny to be rude with women, for instance. College men are usually the sons of well-bred parents, and they also acquire additional finish at college. Moreover, the English language is one of the subjects taught in colleges.

'Oh, I say; that little gal said "thank you" before she got it! he exclaimed. 'There ain't no muffins, and I've eaten all the jam! which made Tommy choke with laughter. Barbara flushed. 'That's a very stupid joke, she pronounced severely, 'and rude, too; it's a pity you weren't taught to behave better when you were young. 'So I was! said the clown, with his mouth full.

At this juncture the bushes parted, and a man, faintly outlined in the light from the campfire, stepped into view. Wash saw him and, uttering another yell, made a break, but Hippy, on the watch for this very thing, caught and held him. "Behave yourself or I'll let the fellow have you," he warned. Tom hesitated, then stepped forward to meet the stranger.