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I only learned to-day of her second bereavement. Don, we must protect her from the fate which so often befalls girls in such circumstances." "My dear Paul, in accusing me of misjudging you, you are misjudging me. If I don't understand you nobody does. My offer to release you from the bargain is not to be understood as a reproach; it is a confession.

But let not that trouble you, since I am glad to go to join those who went before, and others with them, perchance Thorgrimmer's self. Hearken, Hubert. If aught befalls me, or this place, stay not here. Go to London town and seek out John Grimmer, my brother, the rich merchant and goldsmith who dwells in the place called Cheap.

At last he said, in a deep, husky voice, "Now, if aught of harm befalls thee because of this day's doings, I swear by Saint George that the red cock shall crow over the rooftree of this house, for the hot flames shall lick every crack and cranny thereof. As for these women" here he ground his teeth "it will be an ill day for them!"

He would have given all he was worth, when he had sung one line, if he could have changed it into a college song, a negro melody, anything. For this was what he found himself singing: "How can I bear to leave thee? One parting kiss I give thee, And then, whate'er befalls me, I go where Honor calls me."

"In the great majority of instances, when death suddenly befalls the infant or young child, it is an accident; it is not a necessary, inevitable result of any disease from which it is suffering." It may be here added, that it would be very desirable to know how often death is, with adults, "not a necessary, inevitable result of any disease."

Yonder Despard will not live long, he drinks too hard; and then your day may come, if you still care for his leavings perhaps in two years, perhaps in less, for she will soon see him out. Now, let us talk no more of the matter, but if aught befalls me, be a friend to her. Here comes the liquor drink it up and be off.

Tragedy befalls the light and foolish as well as the wise and weighty natures, but it does not render them wise and weighty; I had often made this sage reflection, but I failed to apply it to the case before me now.

In a word, what is a man's fundamental attitude to God and God's facts? That is Jesus' question. Sin is tracked home to the innermost and most essential part of the man his will. It is no outward thing, it is inward. It is not that evil befalls us, but that we are evil.

A great event happens in the valleyThe island telegraphSomething befalls TobyFayaway displays a tender heartMelancholy reflectionsMysterious conduct of the islandersDevotion of Kory-Kory—A rural couch—A luxuryKory-Kory strikes a light

Kate, laughing and quivering, clasped Petronella in her arms, as she cried between laughter and tears: "And when that good hap befalls me, sweet Petronella, I will warrant that Philip will be in no wise behind in claiming his bride, and that thou as well as I shalt find that the recovered treasure of Trevlyn has smoothed our path to wedded happiness!" "Gramercy! what next, I wonder!