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Without wielding her sting in self-defence, the other disengages herself and merges unscathed from the angry encounter. Several times in succession I witness the attack; and nothing serious ever befalls the Wasp, who swiftly withdraws from the fray and appears to have received no hurt. She resumes her marching and countermarching no less boldly and swiftly than before.

An' I reckons now he's the last gent to go makin' soft allowances for any warmth of yooth, or puttin' up with any primrose paths of gentle dalliance, of any an' all who ever buckles on a set of side arms. It thus befalls that when he discovers on the mornin' of the second day that this Mexican boy is a Mexican girl, he goes ragin' into the ambient air like a eagle.

And do they not squander with cosmopolitan grace fortunes coined by American factory children and cotton slaves? Yes, theirs is the patriotism that will make it possible to send messages of condolence to a despot like the Russian Tsar, when any mishap befalls him, as President Roosevelt did in the name of HIS people, when Sergius was punished by the Russian revolutionists.

They seem to be all on the watch for the signal we hoist from within: and if the soul grow wiser towards evening, the sorrow will grow wiser too that the soul had fashioned for itself in the morning. No great inner event befalls those who summon it not; and yet is there germ of great inner event in the smallest occurrence of life.

Indeed, poor Doctor Grim had met with a fortune which befalls many a man with less cause than drew the public attention on this odd humorist; for, dwelling in a town which was as yet but a larger village, where everybody knew everybody, and claimed the privilege to know and discuss their characters, and where there were few topics of public interest to take off their attention, a very considerable portion of town talk and criticism fell upon him.

"At the time I'm talkin' of, as thar's no one who's that abandoned as to go writin' letters to Ugly Collins, it befalls he's plenty footloose. This leesure on the part of Ugly Collins turns out some disastrous for that party.

When this befalls one whose besetting strength and weakness alike is pride no wonder that she doubts.

This peculiarity of intellectual growth, continued beyond the ordinary period, has its analogy in his physical constitution it being a fact that he continued to grow in stature between his twenty-first and twenty-fifth years. He had not met with that misfortune, which, it is to be feared, befalls many men who throw their ardor into politics.

"I believe you are right, sir nay, I know you are; but I can not be at once I can not promise to be all that you wish. If Margaret Cooper would consent, I would marry her to-morrow." The old man shook his head, but remained silent. The young one proceeded: "One thing I will say, however: I will take to my studies after this week, whatever befalls, with the hearty resolution which you recommend.

If I should make erasure so often as this inconvenience befalls me, I should make clean work; occasion will, at some other time, lay it as visible to me as the light, and make me wonder what I should stick at.