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I forbade Miss Beaufort's saying a word, because, as we are told, 'the first tellers of unwelcome news have but a losing office; vice versâ, I hoped for a gaining one, therefore preserved such a profitable piece of intelligence for my own promulgation.

Gorman did not believe it, because he knew that the Feodora chef had gone to Beaufort's Hotel when the other was taken over by the Government. But Gorman fully expected a good luncheon, nicely served in one of the five rooms set apart for Sir Bartholomew's use in the hotel. He was not disappointed. The sole was all that anyone could ask.

You are a worthy creature, but too solemn for my spirits just at this moment. I have a few people coming to dine with me, your wife will do the honors, and you can come in the evening." Though Mr. Robert Beaufort's sense of importance swelled and chafed at this very unceremonious conge, he forced a smile, and said: "Well, it is no wonder you are a little fretful with the gout.

"Shall I never feel any better, ma?" asked Amanda, one day, as a faint sickness came over her, compelling her to resign her dear little babe into the arms of its nurse, looking up at the same time so earnestly and appealingly into her mother's face, that Mrs. Beaufort's heart was touched with unwonted sorrow and tenderness.

She plucked out handfuls of her pale gold hair, the pretty blonde hair which had been almost as famous in Paris as Beaufort's or Madame de Longueville's yellow locks. The thought of De Malfort's ridicule cut her like a whalebone whip.

As she laid her hand on the latch of the door, she trembled and drew back. But care for the living was stronger at that moment than even anguish for the dead: she entered the apartment; she passed with a firm step to the bureau. It was locked; Robert Beaufort's seal upon the lock: on every cupboard, every box, every drawer, the same seal that spoke of rights more valued than her own.

The floating of a company, even if the King offered every concession, did not seem to be a hopeful enterprise. Gorman did not, in the end, attempt to form that company. A second dinner at Beaufort's showed him another way of saving the unfortunate King Konrad Karl from ruin. This time the invitation came from Mr. Donovan.

The younger of the two men thus apostrophised made a step towards Philip, when his companion drew him back and whispered, "What are you about do you know that young man?" "He is my cousin; Philip Beaufort's natural son!" "Is he? then discard him for ever. He is with the most dangerous knave in Europe!"

'Od's pitlikins, man, how did you come here? asked Sir Gervas, poking me with his forefinger as though to see if I were really of flesh and blood. 'We were leading a forlorn of horse into Beaufort's country to beat him up, and to burn his fine house about his ears if you had come to harm.

"Ah DID he?" snapped the other, as if this were exactly the fact he had been laying a trap for. He still sat sideways from the fire, so that his hard old gaze held Archer's face as if in a spring of steel. "Well, well: it's a pity she didn't go back before Beaufort's cropper," he repeated.