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In "Weir of Hermiston" he returns to "the auld bauld Elliots" with zest. He was not, perhaps, aware that, through some remote ancestress on the spindle side, he "came of Harden's line," so that he and I had a common forebear with Sir Walter Scott, and were hundredth cousins of each other, if we reckon in the primitive manner by female descent.

"Oh, please!" he cried; "the one about the bold Buckle-oh!" Hilda laughed merrily. "The bauld Buccleugh?" she repeated. "Oh! you mean 'Kinmont Willie. Yes, indeed, you shall have that. It is one of my favorite ballads, and I am glad you like it." "Oh, I tell yer!" cried Bubble.

"Then up and spake the noble king And an angry man, I trow, was he 'It ill becomes ye, bauld Bucclew, To talk o' reif or felonie; For, if every man had his ain cow, A right puir clan yer name would be." There is a change now.

'If you speak of Miss , I mean of any of the late Ellangowan family, tell me what I can do for them. 'Of the late Ellangowan family? she answered with great vehemence 'of the LATE Ellangowan family! and when was there ever, or when will there ever be, a family of Ellangowan but bearing the gallant name of the bauld Bertrams? 'But what do you mean, good woman?

"Hout awa, Inverashalloch," said Galbraith; "Mind the auld saw, man It's a bauld moon, quoth Bennygask another pint, quoth Lesley; we'll no start for another chappin." "I hae had chappins eneugh," said Inverashalloch; "I'll drink my quart of usquebaugh or brandy wi' ony honest fellow, but the deil a drap mair when I hae wark to do in the morning.

'If you speak of Miss , I mean of any of the late Ellangowan family, tell me what I can do for them. 'Of the late Ellangowan family? she answered with great vehemence 'of the LATE Ellangowan family! and when was there ever, or when will there ever be, a family of Ellangowan but bearing the gallant name of the bauld Bertrams? 'But what do you mean, good woman?

But most of the country are prelatists, whilk is awfu' to think; and I saw twa men that were ministers following hunds, as bauld as Roslin or Driden, the young Laird of Loup-the-dike, or ony wild gallant in Lothian. A sorrowfa' sight to behold! Oh, dear father, may a blessing be with your down-lying and up-rising, and remember in your prayers your affectionate daughter to command, "Jean Deans."

"Ye're a bauld desperate villain, sir," retorted the undaunted Bailie; "and ye ken that I ken ye to be sae, and that I wadna stand a moment for my ain risk." "I ken weel," said the other, "ye hae gentle bluid in your veins, and I wad be laith to hurt my ain kinsman. But I'll gang out here as free as I came in, or the very wa's o' Glasgow tolbooth shall tell o't these ten years to come."

And now, Reuben, lad, seeing we maun remove our tent to a strange country, ye will be casting a dolefu' look after us, and thinking with whom ye are to hold counsel anent your government in thae slippery and backsliding times; and nae doubt remembering, that the auld man, David Deans, was made the instrument to bring you out of the mire of schism and heresy, wherein your father's house delighted to wallow; aften also, nae doubt, when ye are pressed wi' ensnaring trials and tentations and heart-plagues, you, that are like a recruit that is marching for the first time to the touk of drum, will miss the auld, bauld, and experienced veteran soldier that has felt the brunt of mony a foul day, and heard the bullets whistle as aften as he has hairs left on his auld pow."

Od, he showed muckle mair spunk, too, than I thought had been in him I thought he wad hae sent cauld iron through the vagabond Sir Arthur wasna half sae bauld at Bessie's-apron yon night but then, his blood was up even now, and that makes an unco difference. I hae seen mony a man wad hae felled another an anger him, that wadna muckle hae liked a clink against Crummies-horn yon time.