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"There's the old boy, Ned the smooth gink we saw at Taku, at Tientsin, and at numerous places on the road. I wonder how he likes the scene?" Ned motioned to the six to step into the room. Three of them objected, then swords flashed in the light of the corridor and they moved on. They were followed by the three boys and half a dozen policemen, all with automatics in view.

The military governor took his departure, and soon the lads also left the presence of the Prime Minister, who had directed them to a hotel nearby. In this little hotel, clean and comfortable, the lads sent out and procured some old clothes that would give them the appearance of dire poverty. Then they examined and cleaned their automatics and laid in an extra supply of cartridges.

Some of the holes in the ear-lobes were so huge that they were plugged with carved wooden cylinders three inches in diameter. Mate and captain carried automatics in their belts, and with these they turned loose, shooting away clip after clip to the breathless admiration of the blacks for such marvellous rapidity of fire.

Jerry motioned him to take a position just behind the sleepers, which he did. With Slim standing beside him, and their four revolvers pointed menacingly at the Germans, Jerry kicked the lieutenant upon the sole of his boot. The latter roused angrily and was about to give vent to his feelings when he looked into the barrels of the automatics. His exclamation was one of complete chagrin.

During two nights they made infinitely cautious reconnaissance. The second night it was necessary to kill two men who sighted the tiny exploring party. But the killing was done with silenced automatics, and there was no alarm. The third night they lay still, fearing an ambush. The fourth night Jacaro struck. He and his men fled back to their Tube with plunder and precious gems.

He had the same breakfast every week-day morning at Child's; half a grapefruit, one three-minute egg, coffee, rolls. On Sunday morning he had bacon and eggs. It was almost automatic. Speaking of automatics, he never took his meals at one of those modern mechanical feeders.

The thing for these targets to do, they knew, was to intrench and begin to return the infantry and automatics' fire. Desperately, with the last effort of courage, they rose in the attempt rose into playing hose streams of bullets whose close hiss was a steady undertone between shell bursts.

Frank followed and Jack closed the door. It was perfectly dark. But suddenly the darkness was lighted up. The astonished lads gazed into the muzzles of a pair of automatics and a well-known voice cried: "Hands up!" To say that the lads were astonished is putting it mildly.

Antoine regarded the boys steadily for a moment without moving a muscle. Will and Tommy believed that the fellow meant mischief, and were wondering if they would be able to get their automatics from their pockets before he could bring his rifle to a shooting level. One question had at least been answered.

Then the door was slammed shut and two men with automatics were stationed on guard outside. "Don't shoot unless you have to," instructed Brittler's voice, purposely raised. "And remember a bullet in the leg'll stop a man just as quick as one through the body." And then in a tone lower, but perfectly audible to those inside: "But don't stand any fooling! Stop 'em anyway!