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"Peuple, jadis si fier, aujourd'hui si servile, Des princes malheureux, tu n'es donc plus l'asyle?" He happened to be present at the Opera House in Paris when the young Pretender was arrested, and being indignant at this breach of hospitality, and believing that the honour of the nation had been compromised, he wrote these bitter verses. His punishment was severe.

He found his revenge in repeating a similar slogan, one that had often been as a supplement to this more usual phrase, "Partons pour la France aujourd'hui, pour l'amour de Dieu!"

He speaks of him as un monstre farouche. The following example will perhaps be sufficient to be quoted: "Il ouvrit a peine les paupieres, Que, tel qu'il se montre aujourd'hui, Il fut indigne des barrieres Qu'il vit entre le trone et lui.

Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères est absent. Pendant un entretien prolongé, que j'ai eu aujourd'hui avec Macchio, j'ai, en termes tout

And again: "Afin de compléter aujourd'hui l'énoncé du fait général, je rappellerai que les corps, doué des fonctions accomplies dans les tissus des plantes, sont formés des éléments qui constituent, en proportion peu variable, les organismes animaux; qu'ainsi l'on est conduit

J'aurais ete, en effet, fort heureux de pouvoir causer avec vous de toutes les graves questions qui se posent aujourd'hui devant nous, tant a l'interieur qu'a l'exterieur.

They concern themselves less about it perhaps than the others, whether from the little share they have had in it, or because they have but very indirect connexions with the government, or lastly, and this final reason is, I believe, the most conclusive, because a Frenchman, from the nature of his character, ends by forgetting his misfortunes and losses, cares little for the future, and appears desirous to enjoy the present only; following, in that respect, the precept of La Fontaine: "Jouis des aujourd'hui, tu n'as pas tant a vivre; Je te rebats ce mot car il vaut tout un livre."

Si c'est au moins un adoucissement de savoir que celui qui n'est plus laisse derriere lui de souvenir d'un esprit d'elite, d'une nature aimante et aimable, soyez assure que tels sont bien les sentiments que votre fils a inspires a tous ceux qui l'ont connu, a ses camarades de la Sorbonne, qui l'avaient en affection particuliere, a ses collegues mais a nul plus qu'a son ancien maitre qui vous envoie aujourd'hui, ainsi qu'a Madame Hamerton, l'expression de sa triste et respectueuse sympathie.

Ah, those were days! Dieu why couldn't the republic have continued those glories ces gloires? Aujourd'hui nous ne sommes que des morts instead of prisoners to handle to watch and work, like so many good machines there is only the dike yonder to keep in repair! What changes mon Dieu! what changes!" And the shape wrung his hands. It was, in truth, a touching spectacle of grief for a good old past.

During the early part of the morning session she waited, half expecting to receive a contrite plea for grace from the Mary girl. When her French hour came, she hurried into the classroom, thinking that she might see Constance before the class gathered; but Professor Fontaine had closed the door and remarked genially, "Bon jour, mesdemoiselles. Comment vous portez vous, aujourd'hui.