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Updated: August 11, 2024

He ought never to have been a servant. His family was once quite as good as the Barfields." "So I have heard, Miss. But the world is that full of ups and downs you never can tell who is who. But we all likes William and 'ates that little man and his pantry. Mrs. Latch calls him the 'evil genius."

One only 'ates when one is afraid, and you aren't afraid any more of poor Gyp." "Was I ever?" he demanded. "A leetle per'aps? You think to yourself: 'If I love 'er ! Bah, that is all finished. Come, I tell you my funny story." He had laughed. He was incredulous of himself.

"Eh?" exclaimed the cobbler, "shake 'ands with old Nick, sir? But you're one o' the Quality, and I 'ates the Quality chop off their 'eads if I 'ad my way, I would! and my 'and's very dirty jest let me wipe it a bit, there sir, if you wish to! and 'ere's 'oping to see you again. Though, mark you, the Frenchies was quite right, there's nothing like the gillertine, I say. Good arternoon, sir."

'You see, sir, she said, 'they never come by day; they 'ates the light because their deeds is evil." "Were the beetles banished after that?" asked Erica, laughing. "No, they went on to the bitter end," said Raeburn with one of his bright, humorous looks. "And I believe the landlady put it all down to my atheistical views a just retribution for harboring such a notorious fellow in her house!

This set the engineer to muttering threats against the stranger who had stolen the submarine, and caused him for the hundredth time to remark: "H'I 'ates t' think what'll 'appen t' 'em, once h'I gets me 'ands on 'em." But the intruders stayed below while, slowly, the sun ran its brief course and then painted the ice-spires with shadows of deep purple.

Suddenly from the wood a large spaniel came bounding upon the rabbit. Gibbie gave a shriek, and the rabbit made one white flash into the wood, with the dog after him. He turned away sad at heart. "Ilka cratur 'at can," he said to himself, "ates ilka cratur 'at canna!"

I simply referred to it as a proof of your admirable culinary powers." "Yon's beeg words. What 'll ye hev te ate?" "A fish like that upon your sign-post, madam, or at least the upper half of him; and three dozen oysters just out of the sea, swimming in their own juice, with lovely melted butter." "Young mon, hast tha gotten t' brass? Them 'at ates offens forgets t' reck'nin'."

Neptune drowns more than he saves: to say nothing of those mischievous gods, Plutoes, Ates, punishments, favors, and the like, not gods but executioners. I am that only Folly that so readily and indifferently bestows my benefits on all. Nor do I look to be entreated, or am I subject to take pet, and require an expiatory sacrifice if some ceremony be omitted.

The sentry glanced left, then right. "'E's a slipping off all by 'imself down to Osborne by the 6.40 from Waterloo. Nobody knows it 'cept, o' course, just a few of us. That's 'is way all over. 'E just 'ates " A footstep sounded down the corridor. The sentry became statuesque. At Waterloo, Tommy inspected the 6.40 train.

"Then that 'ud be th' forest by the river. Th' treasure city 'ud be just by the 'arbor h'at th' mouth of th' river, Dave. H'I 'ates t' think 'ow richer we'll be." The old man gripped Dave's hand. As for Dave, he was silent. He was thinking first of the struggle that could not now be far distant. It would be a bitter fight, with odds in favor of the other party.

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