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"I make no doubt the man did his work well, let him be set about what he might; and, mademoiselle, he was a countryman of yours, they tell me?" "Assurement, Monsieur Vattel has left more distinguished souvenirs than any other cook in France."

It is time my niece had shaken off this laziness, and shown her bright face to the sun. We wait for her fair services at the table. I see nothing of that lazy hussy, Dinah, any more than of her mistress." "Assurément non, Monsieur," returned the valet. "Mam'selle Dinah do not love trop d'activité. Mais, Monsieur Al'erman, elles sont jeunes, toutes les deux!

"But," added Lady Augusta, who observed that her bon-mot was not so much admired by all the company as by Dashwood, "I really only mean, that one must do as other people do." "Assurement," said mademoiselle; "not dat I approve of the want of gallantry in our gentlemen, neider. But, I tink, Mademoiselle Earl is as stiff as de poker, and I don't approve of dat, neider Je n'aime pas les prudes, moi."

Richard Barrière to-morrow?" I inquired of the lighthouse keeper. "Oui, oui, certain', assurement, wit' plaisir, Monsieur," he replied. So I handed him the little packet. It chanced that my eye caught sight of one of the two letters Mrs. Daniver had handed me. The address was not in Mrs. Daniver's handwriting, but one that I knew very well.

Horry was describing how Richard lifted little Goble by one hand and spun all the dignity out of him, when Miss Manners broke in, being able to contain herself no longer. "'An American, Mr. Walpole, and from Maryland? she demanded. And the way she said it made them all look at her. "'Assurement, mademoiselle, replied Horry, in his cursed French; and perhaps you know him.

'Assurement si l'on prenait ces expressions a la lettre, on m'attribuerait une erreur; car quelles que puissent etre les circonstances elles n'operent directement sur la forme et sur l'organisation des animaux aucune modification quelconque.

"C'est vrai, assurément." "Mais, L'Armée Anglaise porte toujours les habits rouges!" The Subaltern laughed outright. This simple fellow actually believed that the English fought in scarlet. Even now he was not thoroughly convinced that they really were English.

"Mais nous avons toujours compris que Votre Seigneurie considérait Lord Combermere comme un imbécile...." "Assurément, c'est un imbécile," répliqua Wellington, "c'est un s... imbécile, mais il peut bien prendre Rangoon." Autre trait de la même période, et qui se rapporte

Do you not see that Monsieur L'as is not with us?" "Eh bien?" "And were he not surely with us at such time, unless ?" "Oh, assurément!" replied Pierre Noir. "Jean Breboeuf, aid me in taking the boat back to our camp in the woods." Now came the rain. Not in steady and even downpour, not with intermittent showers, but in a sidelong, terrifying torrent, drenching, biting, cutting in its violence.

'Ca, c'est l'amour! she said to herself, 'assurément c'est l'amour! And when Pamela came down again, radiant as a young seraph, and ready to kiss the apple-red cheek of the Frenchwoman the rarest concession! Madame Guérin did not need to be told that Arthur Chicksands was safe and likely to be sound. But the Frenchwoman's inference was premature.