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Did your father come to you in the good old style? Is he here now? Bobby began to tell his tale very rapidly and eagerly, with shining eyes and burning cheeks. Occasionally True corrected or added to his statements. Mr. Egerton listened with laughter in his eyes; gravity settled there when he heard of Mrs. Allonby's death; but when he heard of the find of the governess he was enchanted.

'I've been in the field with father, said Bobby, taking one of Mrs. Allonby's hands in his, and very gently raising it to his lips to kiss. 'We've comed to tell you that we are very glad you're going through the gates, but we would like you to ask God to let you come back to us very soon. Sudden tears came to Mrs. Allonby's eyes. 'I think you must come to me, she said almost in a whisper.

'She loved my tex', father. Would it be too long? She made me say it to her before she went away. 'What was it? "Blessed are they that wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb, that they may have right to the tree of life, and enter in through the gates into the City." Mr. Allonby's face lit up with a smile. 'Thank you, sonny; that will do beautifully. I will have it put over her grave.

But that was J. B. Stell fast enough I guess he can be trusted to know himself, and you saw he answered to his name." SOME days passed before Granice could obtain a word with the District Attorney: he began to think that Allonby avoided him. But when they were face to face Allonby's jovial countenance showed no sign of embarrassment.

"See that fellow over there the little dried-up man in the third row, pulling his moustache? His memoirs would be worth publishing," McCarren said suddenly in the last entr'acte. Granice, following his glance, recognized the detective from Allonby's office. For a moment he had the thrilling sense that he was being shadowed. "Caesar, if he could talk !" McCarren continued.

Men were rushing frantically back to get it. 'Father! Father! Don't sink! Oh, do catch hold of Nobbles! 'Hi, you little chap, you'll be going in yourself! Come back! Give me your stick! Here, Allonby, catch hold! Mr. Allonby's head appeared above the surface again, and in an instant the man behind Bobby had placed Nobbles across the hole in the ice. Exhausted as he was, Mr.

Go out with him, talk to him, tell him about your lovely picture, let him feel he cannot get on without you. Oh, Bobby, dear, you love your father with all your heart and soul! Show it to him by your life. I want you two to be inseparable. I shall pray you may be. A glorious light dawned in Bobby's eyes. He caught Mrs. Allonby's meaning.

Allonby's sofa and she was giving them a Bible lesson out of her big Bible, True brought up the subject. 'Will you read us about the gates of heaven, mother? Bobby says he'll be let inside, and I shall be shut out. 'No, I didn't. 'Yes, you did. 'We won't have any quarrelling. What do you want to hear about? 'The gates, said Bobby, 'the beautiful gates. It's the last page of the Bible.

Certain it was that she had refused many advantageous offers during this period, for her jointure was considerable, and, though in candid moments she confessed to thirty-three, her dearest friends could not question Lady Allonby's good looks.

Simon Orts wheeled a different being, servile and cringing. "Your Lordship is pleased to be pleasant. Indeed, though, I fear that your ears must burn, sir, for I was but now expatiating upon the manifold kindnesses your Lordship has been so generous as to confer upon your unworthy friend. I was admiring Lady Allonby's ruffle, sir, Valenciennes, I take it, and very choice." Lord Rokesle laughed.