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Updated: August 26, 2024

And here a strange thing happened. A brother who had been noticing the winks and smiles cast broadly about, and thinking in all human justice that Elder Cossey was getting more than his share, got up and declared with emotion, that he'd "heered some say how folks was all'as talkin' about their sins for effex, and didn't mean nothin' by it, but I can say this much, thar ain't no talkin' for effex about Brother Cossey; he has been, and is, every bit jest as honest mean as what he 's been a-tellin' on!"

Now Vesty, even as stiddy as she is, she 's all'as gittin' the women folks crazy over some new patron for a apern, or some new resute for pudd'n' and pie. So," he added, "ef you sh'd come to me, intendin' to splice, all the advice 't I c'd give 'ud be, I don't know widders; poo! poo! hohum! Wal, wal try widders."

Love I wanted and admirin' I wanted, but no pity; that thar set me broilin'. But now I'd e'en a'most ruther have pity than love; 'nd I thank God most o' all that, in my pride and in my stren'th, and not wantin' no help an' gittin' mad at the thought of it all'as He pitied me, an' He pitied me cl'ar through to the end.

"Some neow 's all'as runnin' their saw right through everythin', no marter heow hard she wrarstles and complains ag'in' it. But when mine gives the first squeak, I sets right deown with 'er and examines of 'er, and then I takes a swab-cloth and I swabs her. Forced-to-go 'specially ef she ain't iled never gits far, ye know." O delicious sound of uncorrupted philosophy once more! Mrs.

Have a narvine lozenge. I all'as enj'ys 'em with a friend more'n what I dew meltin' on 'em deown alone." We sucked deliciously. "Afore I got my dispersition moderated deown inter the shape she is neow, I was dreadful kind o' sly and ongodly abeout cuttin' up tricks," he continued, his countenance now conveying only the tranquillity of one restored and forgiven. "'What? says I to the man.

I'll try a double decker o' rhubub I'm ruther partial to 'er. Fetch 'em all in: all'as survey yer country, ye know, afore ye lays yer turnpike. F'r all these favors, O Lord, make us duly thankful. Touch-and-go is a good pilot," mumbled the captain in a religious monotone, and began.

"Leezur's my name; and neow I'll tell ye how ye can all'as remember it; it's jest like all them great discoveries, it's dreadful easy when it's once been thought on. Leezur leezure see? Leezure means takin' things moderate, ye know, kind o' settin' areound in the shank o' the evenin' Leezur lee-zure see!" Oh, how he beamed! The systems of Newton and Copernicus seemed dwarfed in comparison.

I ain't one o' that kind that's all'as peerin' anxiously into the futur'." "The furderest time 't I ever looked into the futur'," said Captain Dan Kirtland, "was once when I was a boy 'bout nineteen, and my father told me not to take the colt out. Wal, my father was gone one day, and I tackled him up and off I went.

"For with regards t' female grass, major, my exper'ence has all'as made me think o' that man in Scriptur' 't was told to do somethin'. 'No, by clam! says he, 'I ain't a-goin' to, and hadn't more 'n got the words outer his mouth afore somehow he found himself a-shutin' straight outer the front door to go to executin' of it.

We travelled vaguely, gazing from house to house, and then the road over again, without discovering any sign of the basket. "By clam! it 's almost enough to make an infidel of a man," said the captain, furiously relighting his pipe. "Cap'n Pharo Kobbe, you're all'as layin' everything either to women or religion." "Don't mention on 'em in the same breath," said the captain; "don't.

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