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Updated: August 4, 2024

He paused, and again the dismal boom crashed on his ears, then as its echo died away another deep monotone, steadily persistent, began to stir the silence with words, words, which to Florian Varillo in his nervous excitation of mind sounded hellish and horrible. "Libera me Domine, de morte aeterna!" "In die ilia tremenda!" "Quando coeli movendi suntet terra!"

Then it is truly ideal, the forma mentis aeterna, not as a passive mould into which the thought is poured, but as the conceptive energy which finds all material plastic to its preconceived design. Mere vividness of expression, such as makes quotable passages, comes of the complete surrender of self to the impression, whether spiritual or sensual, of the moment.

The ship flew as though on eagle's wings. As they neared the island, the Count turned to his companion, and said: "What if we find no one there? What if the missionaries are all dead?" "Then we are there," replied Weber. "Gens aeterna, these Moravians," exclaimed the Count. "Where are the Brethren?" said he to a negro. "They are all in prison," was the startling answer.

The expression of feeling may be exaggerated, and little consistent with the flattery with which the poem opens; yet even this flattery, when carefully read, seems fuller of satire than of praise: "Quod si non aliam venturo fata Neroni Invenere viam, magnoque aeterna parantur Regna deis, caelumque suo servire Tonanti Non nisi saevorum potuit post bella Gigantum; Iam nihil O superi querimur!

In concluding, I cannot refrain from again reminding you that this consummate work of statecraft was the work of the English-speaking race, and that your people can therefore justly share in the pride which it awakens. It is not only one of the great achievements of that gens aeterna, but also one of the great monuments of human progress.

A work so vast requires, I am aware, the united efforts of twenty Montesquieus; nevertheless, if it is not given to a single man to finish, a single one can commence, the enterprise. The road that he shall traverse will suffice to show the end and assure the result. Adversus hostem aeterna auctertas esto. Against the enemy, revendication is eternal.

Besides, live as long as you can, you shall by that nothing shorten the space you are to be dead; 'tis all to no purpose; you shall be every whit as long in the condition you so much fear, as if you had died at nurse: "'Licet quot vis vivendo vincere secla, Mors aeterna tamen nihilominus illa manebit. "And yet I will place you in such a condition as you shall have no reason to be displeased.

'AEsopo ingentem statuam posuere Attici, Servumque collocarunt AEterna in Basi, Patere honoris scirent ut Cuncti viam. Phaed. The Reception, manner of Attendance, undisturbed Freedom and Quiet, which I meet with here in the Country, has confirm'd me in the Opinion I always had, that the general Corruption of Manners in Servants is owing to the Conduct of Masters.

Libera nos Domine, de morte aeterna, in die illa tremenda!" Wild with terror Varillo shook the gate more furiously than before. "Stop I tell you!" he cried "It is too soon! You are burying me before my time. You have no proof against me none! I am young, full of life and strength the world loves me wants me! and I I will not die! no I will not! not yet! Not yet I am not ready! Stop stop!

Once convinced of the eternity of Rome men could look at the past for inspiration in full confidence that the beauties which had been could be obtained again. But Augustus was more than a sentimental enthusiast, and he saw that it was not enough for men to drop their swords at the epiphany of "Roma Aeterna," that their eyes would grow weary and looking to earth would behold the swords again.

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