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I've been a-thinkin' I'd go out there and look her up, and if she ain't married, me and her we might let bygones be bygones and hitch. I could open a oyster parlor out there on the dough I've saved up; I'd dish 'em up and she'd wait on the table and take in the money. We'd do well, Duke." "I bet you would." "I got the last letter she wrote I'll let you see it, Duke."

Well, thass how I unde'stood it, seh. "Seh? No, seh! that wouldn't be high tone'! But I tell you what I will do, seh. I'll let you out an' take yo' place an' make the young lady think her on'y mistake was a-thinkin' she was mistakened. "Seh?

"W'y, gorblimey!" said Hardy, "Ain't that queer? that's jes' wot I wos a-thinkin' . . . Well, Gawd 'elp Sorjint Slavin now!" With which cryptic utterance he resumed his eternal polishing. "Amen!" responded the farrier piously, "Reddy, here, an' Yorkey on th' same detachment. . . . What th' one don't know t'other'll teach him. . . . You'd better let 'em have th' parrot, too."

"I've been a-thinkin' it was curi's all along." "That ain't going to hurt anybody," responded Tom. "Lord, no!" quite in a hurry. "Lord, no! 'tain't likely; but it kinder int'rusted me int'rusted me, findin' out what I did." And he ended with a gently suggestive cough.

She did not answer; but he knew without looking that she had fixed those slumberous brown eyes upon him, waiting for him to go on. "Cynthy" he said again, with a hesitating, uneasy manner. Then, with an awkward attempt at raillery, "Ain't ye never a-thinkin' 'bout a-gittin' married?" He cast a laughing glance toward her, and looked down quickly at his clasp-knife and the stick he was whittling.

Franklin's face was not inviting, which fact Sam noticed, hastening with his apology. "Oh, no offence, Cap," said he hurriedly, "but I was just a-thinkin'. You know that Nory girl over to the hotel. Well, now, I'm gone on that girl, the worst sort o' way. Honest, Cap, I ain't happy. I used ter eat an' sleep 'thout no sort of trouble, but now I'm all used up. I ain't right. An' it's Nory."

"Oh," sez she, "it hain't no matter about that; I I I somehow I don't feel like rehearsin' it as it was." Sez she, "I guess I shall make some changes in it before I rehearse it agin." Sez I, "You lay out to make a more mean thing of it, more megum." "Yes," sez she, in faint axents, "I am a-thinkin' of it."

'O' course, says I; 'what else? 'What else, indeed? says he, and he did sigh same as if he had a bellows inside of en." "Did he actually say he was a-thinkin' about soom maid?" interrupted Mrs. Baverstock wrathfully. "Bide a bit," retorted Private Caines, wagging his head portentously; "I be a-tellin' the tale so quick as I can.

We wos a-thinkin' of crackin' another crib next week as yer might ha' heered ov in yer time well, to bust out with it straight and candid, it's yer own crib as used to be w'en yer wos alive; but, yer see, bein' as how ye're dead now and it ain't o' no more good to yer there's a nice little lot of old plate as you've got there as we sho'd be proud to 'andle. The on'y thing is "

I wonder what on airth Pugwash was a-thinkin' on, when he signed articles of partnership with that 'ere woman; she's not a bad-lookin' piece of furniture neither, and it's a proper pity sich a clever woman should carry such a stiff upper lip she reminds me of our old minister Joshua Hopewell's apple trees.