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Updated: August 4, 2024

From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step. The very next day, Mr. Malcolm made his appearance before me wrapped in a great-coat belonging to my husband, which literally came down to his heels. At this strange apparition, I fell a-laughing. "For God's sake, Mrs. Moodie, lend me a pair of inexpressibles.

His lordship fell a-laughing at this insipid jest. Such witticisms formed no small part of his amusement, and because the innkeeper had humoured him, his intentions towards him had completely changed. "Then what can you give your guests?" he resumed. "Everything, my lord. Only, unfortunately, what is mine is all gone, what will be mine is far off, and what should be mine is nowhere."

And it is reported also that Marcus Cato having accused Murena, Cicero being Consul, defended his cause, and in his oration pleasantly girded all the sect of the Stoic philosophers for Cato's sake, for the strange opinions they hold, which they call paradoxes: insomuch as he made all the people and judges also fall a-laughing a good.

'It will be just like Duncan Mac-Girdie's mare, said Evan, 'if your ladyships please, he wanted to use her by degrees to live without meat, and just as he had put her on a straw a day the poor thing died! Evan's illustration set the company a-laughing, and the discourse took a different turn. Shortly afterwards the party broke up, and Edward returned home, musing on what Flora had said.

Then said the lord of Ymbercourt to the lord of La Palisse, 'It needs not so much thought, my lord; send word to the emperor that we are all ready; I am even now a-weary of the fields, for the nights are cold; and then the good wines are beginning to fail us; whereat every one burst out a-laughing. All agreed to what was said by the lord of Ymbercourt.

Therewith he arose and went across to the other table, carrying his pipe with him, and sat down and began smoking, with all the appearance of ease he could command upon the occasion. At this the other burst out a-laughing. "Indeed," says he, "you are a cool blade, and a chip of the old block. But harkee, young gentleman," and here he fell serious again.

She kep' on a-laughing an' a-smiling till the old man he come in and he says in his mimicking way, 'Lizzie, says 'e, 'they're a-waitin' to fit on your new walkin' costoom, he says. So I come away, she a-smiling to the last something awful to see." "Dear, dear," said Mrs. James. "But you mark my words she don't deceive me.

She gave me a knowing look, and carried off my spool in triumph. I happened to mention the manner in which I was constantly annoyed by these people, to a worthy English farmer who resided near us; and he fell a-laughing, and told me that I did not know the Canadian Yankees as well as he did, or I should not be troubled with them long.

He'd have his joke, come what would, and he'd set everybody a-laughing; punish him as much as you please, it was all the same.

They all got round him, and asked him a great many questions, which frightened him more; and he began to cry and call for Susan. This set the boys a-laughing, and they began to pull him about and tease him.

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