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In 1637 the king threatened to go in person to Rouen and bring the Parliament to submission, whereat it took fright and enregistered decrees for twenty-two millions. The Nu-pieds were more numerous and more violent still; from Rouen to Avranches all the country was a-blaze.

Its exuberance is necessary on account of the materials it has to deal with; its spiritual ebullitions and esctacies are required so that they may accord with, and set all a-blaze, the strong, vehement spirits who bend the knee under its aegis. Primitive Methodism has reached deeper depths than many other creeds has touched harder, wilder, ruder souls than nearly "all the isms" put together.

"By just punishment of God, he who, during forty or fifty years of his reign, had constantly tried to set his neighbors a-blaze, died amidst the flames of his own dominions, which he had lost by his own obstinacy, against the advice of his friends and his allies."

When lately we looked into that Red-Maple swamp all a-blaze, where the trees were clothed in their vestures of most dazzling tints, did it not suggest a thousand gypsies beneath, a race capable of wild delight, or even the fabled fawns, satyrs, and wood-nymphs come back to earth?

I was late, seven being my hour: for on that day I had been engaged in the occasionally necessary, but always deferred, task of overhauling the ship, brushing here a rope with tar, there a board with paint, there a crank with oil, rubbing a door-handle, a brass-fitting, filling the three cabin-lamps, dusting mirrors and furniture, dashing the great neat-joinered plains of deck with bucketfulls, or, high in air, chopping loose with its rigging the mizzen top-mast, which since a month was sprained at the clamps, all this in cotton drawers under loose quamis, bare-footed, my beard knotted up, the sun a-blaze, the sea smooth and pale with the smooth pallor of strong currents, the ship still enough, no land in sight, yet great tracts of sea-weed making eastward I working from 11 A.M. till near 7, when sudden darkness interrupted: for I wished to have it all over in one obnoxious day.

"I'll remember that; double for trouble." "Three means good news. There's luck in odd numbers." "And what is four?" "Well, it ain't har'ly ever used. If I seen four smokes in camp I'd know something big was on maybe a Grand Council." "Well, if you saw five smokes what would you think?" "I'd think some blame fool was settin' the hull place a-blaze," Caleb replied with the sniff end of a laugh.

The many windows of the manor-house were all a-blaze with light as the hunting-party entered the gates. Fires burned brightly in all the rooms, and the interior of that comfortable house formed a very pleasant contrast to the cheerless darkness of the night, the muddy roads, and damp atmosphere.

And is there not the highest Art in this unveiled simplicity: to lead the reader onwards by a straight road, with the setting sun a-blaze at the end of it, knowing his path, knowing its object, yet still borne on with spirits unexhausted and unflagging foot?

Now the rays seemed to close, now they opened again, like a vast variously-tinted umbrella, till the bright dome of heaven was all a-blaze. Now and then the stars could be seen beyond the mass of light; now they altogether paled, and were concealed by the marvellous glare. "This is indeed beautiful," exclaimed Willy. "I should so like to call the Miss Morleys; they would be sorry to miss it."

Then back Shelby fled for the faithful creature, but just as he reached the roof a sheet of flame darted out of the window and enveloped her. In a second the exquisite silky coat was a-blaze, and poor Tzaritza's joyous barks became cries of agony. "Quick, somebody down there hand me one of those blankets!" shouted Shelby.