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Every paper which passed between this minister and the commissioners was submitted to the parliament, and by it approved, or modified, or rejected. Heath, 254, 256, 275. Whitelock, 406, 429, 449, 463, 475. Clarendon, iii. 338. Rupert sailed into the Mediterranean, and maintained himself by piracy, capturing not only English but Spanish and Genoese ships.

Mott: "It will give us pleasure to have thy company at 338 Arch street, where we hope thou wilt make thy home. We shall of course be crowded, but we expect thee and shall prepare accordingly. We think such as thyself, devoted to good causes, should not have to seek a home." Wm. Lloyd Garrison sat at her right hand at table and Miss Anthony at her left.

In 1802, it contained about 800 inhabitants; in 1810, 2,540; in 1820, 9,060; in 1830, 24,831; in 1840, 46,338; in 1850, 118,761; and in 1860, just three years before Mr. Longworth's death, 171,293 inhabitants. The reader can easily imagine the immense profits which a half century's increase placed in the hands of the far-seeing lawyer.

It kept something doing for thirty years. The headlines says that a guy named Philip of Macedon, in 338 B. C., got to be boss of Greece by getting the decision at the battle of Cher-Cheronoea. I'll read it." With his hand to his ear, rapt in the Peloponnesian War, old man McCree sat for an hour, listening. Then he got up and felt his way to the door of the kitchen. Mrs.

See Jefferson's Works, vol. v. pp. 335, 337, 338, 339, 419, 442-445. Madison to Russell, Nov. 15, 1811. U.S. State Department MSS. Russell to Robert Smith, March 15, 1811. U.S. State Department MSS. Russell to the Secretary of State, July 15, 1811. Ibid. Ante, p. 217. Correspondance de Napoléon, vol. xxii. p. 144. Russell to Monroe, July 13, 1811. U.S. State Department MSS.

Petersburg, 1780, part ii. p. 69. He was followed by Rudolphi, in his 'Beytrage zur Anthropologie, 1812. An argument on the same side may likewise be drawn from the uniform appearance in various parts of the world of gipsies and Jews, though the uniformity of the latter has been somewhat exaggerated. Livingstone's 'Travels and Researches in S. Africa, 1857, pp. 338, 339.

Our exports to the United States are made up as follows: 30,686 bushels of Wheat ..................... L6,137 4 11 3,514 " Rye ....................... 351 8 0 3,728 " Peas ...................... 466 0 0 90 " Barley .................... 9 0 0 316 " Grass seed ................ 118 10 0 18,756 barrels of Flour ..................... 18,756 0 0 338 " Potash .................... 2,366 0 0 1,000 bushels of Potatoes .................. 62 10 0 92 M. Shingles .................. 23 0 0 117 M. Laths ..................... 43 15 0 18,210 lbs.

We are informed by certain members that a proposition for the extension of the franchise must come from the burghers, but according to the Franchise Law the proposition must come from the Raad, and the public must consent. The member for Rustenberg says that there are 9,338 burghers who have declared that they are opposed to the extension of the franchise.

To-day, India, for home-consumption and exportation, produces twice the amount of cotton produced in America; and, under the increased profit of late years, the importation into England from that country has risen from 12,324,200 pounds in 1830, to 77,011,839 pounds in 1840, and, finally, to 250,338,144 pounds in 1857, or nearly twenty per cent of the whole amount imported, and more than one-fourth of the whole amount imported from America.

South, the: Emerson's preaching tour, 53; Rebellion, 305, 407. Southerners, in college, 47. Sparks, Jared, literary rank, 33. Spenser, Edmund: stanza, 335, 338; soul making body, 391; mother-wit, 404. Spinoza, influence, 173, 380. Spirit and matter, 100, 101. Spiritualism, 296. Sprague, William Buel, Annals of the American Pulpit, 10-12. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, on American religion, 414.