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Our dog got a lump in his mouth, and it stuck to his teeth so he couldn't open his jaws." "I wouldn't give a dog candy," declared Freddie. "I'd rather eat it myself." "Oh, well, we didn't 'zactly give the candy to our dog," said Alice. "A lump of it fell on the floor, and he grabbed it up before we could stop him. Anyhow, we didn't want the candy after it had rolled on the floor."

"Well," spluttered Diggs; "it don't seem zactly right, seein' as how I on'y pulled the cuss out of his clothes and then let him go with a lambastin'." "The ten-spot is for the clothes you pulled him out of," Bunch said, picking up the garments and handing them to me. "Keep them, John, as a souvenir of your first burglar and true friend, Bunch!"

"Well, Sergeant John Newson," Tony began, "I hab just walked over to see how you getting on. It am a mighty 'sponsible business dis. I had six hours of him, and it make de perspiration run down my back to tink what a job it would be for me if dat fellow was to run away." "Dat's just what dis chile feel, Sergeant Tony Moore; I am zactly like dat, and dat's what these men feel, too.

Each thing had a separate stem, and so had to be picked off the side of the box; but Dorothy found them all to be delicious, and she ate every bit of luncheon in the box before she had finished. "A lunch isn't zactly breakfast," she said to Billina, who sat beside her curiously watching. "But when one is hungry one can eat even supper in the morning, and not complain."

H. J. Owens related a long, full-detailed account of how he had been down in the hills along the river, and had seen the old mother bear digging ants out of a sand-hill for her cubs. "I know that's jes' 'zactly the way they do!" the Kid interrupted excitedly. "Daddy Chip seen one doing it on the Musselshell one time. He told me 'bout it."

"It was," gloomily, "but de ole Cunnel, he won't let us go." The listener was instantly sympathetic. "Why not?" she asked. "He says we owes him." "But didn't you settle at Christmas?" "Yas'm; but when he found we was goin' away, he looked up some more debts." "How much?" "I don't know 'zactly more'n a hundred dollars. Den de boys done got in dat trouble, and he paid their fines."

One spring day, after the sober home-coming of Colonel Carvel from the Democratic Convention at Charleston, Ephum accosted his master as he came into the store of a morning. Ephum's face was working with excitement. "What's the matter with you, Ephum?" asked the Colonel, kindly. "You haven't been yourself lately." "No, Marsa, I ain't 'zactly."

It is my rule not to quote at length from what is readily accessible, and therefore I cull only one delightful episode from Leech's Sketches of Life and Character. Two little chaps are discussing the age of a third; and the one reflectively remarks, "Well, I don't 'zactly know how old Charlie is; but he must be very old, for he blows his own nose."

"Right you are, 'Ockins; ob course I's got de same sentiments zactly," said the negro, lifting up his strong arm and ruefully surveying the heavy iron links of native manufacture that descended from his wrist. Mark only sighed. It was the first time he had ever been restrained, even by bolt or bar, much less by manacles, and the effect on his young mind was at first overwhelming.

"Him and I's brothers, kind o' brothers, not sure 'nuff brothers. Oh, I dunno how it is 'zactly, Jim'll tell yer. He dunno as I be, yer know, 'n he dunno but I be, 'n he's afeard to leave go o' me for fear I be. See?" "Do you and Jim live together?" "Yes, we live at Mis' Kennett's.