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The people in the streets, says John Yeardley, are numerous beyond all description; thousands, and tens of thousands, standing, sitting, running, following, or pushing one against the other, talking and shouting in the ceaseless noise of the Armenian, Turkish, Greek, Syriac, Italian, French and English languages.

Yeardley made similar efforts to strengthen Virginia's position on land against the numerically superior Indians. Like Wyatt he urged the necessity of "planting the forest" rather than jumping beyond it to areas far from existing settlements.

At Stuttgardt they received the affecting intelligence of the decease of Elizabeth Dudley, who died of cholera on the 6th of the Ninth Month. The removal of this, one of her earliest and dearest friends, was a severe stroke to Martha Yeardley, and sensibly affected her bodily health. In a letter to her sisters, of the 14th of the Ninth Month, she thus gives vent to her feelings:

"I'll forgive you," I said, "when you 've told me what the Governor will do." "Why, there's the rub," he answered. "Yeardley is the most obstinate man of my acquaintance. He who at his first coming, beside a great deal of worth in his person, brought only his sword hath grown to be as very a Sir Oracle among us as ever I saw.

Captain George Yeardley was left in charge, seemingly having been appointed directly by Dale. Under him, it was reported, "the Colony lived in peace and best plentie that ever it was to that time." He very probably was glad to see the supply ship that came in October, 1616. Various kinds of provisions from it were exchanged with the colonists for their tobacco.

John Yeardley was born on the 3rd of the First Month, 1786, at a small farm-house beside Orgreave Hall, in the valley of the Rother, four miles south of Rotherham. His parents, Joel and Frances Yeardley, farmed some land, chiefly pasture, and his mother is said to have been famous for her cream-cheeses, which she carried herself to Sheffield market.

It was, adds John Yeardley, a precious tendering time, and I trust strength was given to preach the gospel; the sick and afflicted were not forgotten by my M. Y. In supplication. By "the sick" in the foregoing passage was probably intended Rachel, wife of Dr. Waterhouse of Liverpool, and daughter of David and Abigail Dockray.

When Governor Yeardley stepped ashore at Jamestown in mid-April, he brought with him, as the first fruits of the new regime, no less a boon than the grant of a representative assembly. There were to be in Virginia, subject to the Company, subject in its turn to the Crown, two "Supreme Councils," one of which was to consist of the Governor and his councilors chosen by the Company in England.

We feel quite satisfied with it; and when we get our garden in order, and a cow and a few chickens, it will be equal to anything that I desire in this world. To-day the snow has disappeared, and John is very busy with his garden. John and Martha Yeardley did not remain long idle in their new position.

Very soon after their arrival, walking several hours in the heat of the day, John Yeardley had a slight attack of sun-stroke. The effect appeared quickly to pass off, and he was able to perform such religious duty as opened before him in the city and its immediate neighborhood. Diary. 7 mo. 4. We made a call at Bebek: Dr. Hamlin had gone to the city, but Dr. Dwight received us kindly.