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The dwelling which John and Martha Yeardley occupied was on the highest ground in the village, commanding a wide and cheerful prospect, and overlooking, on the western side, the valley of the Dearn and the conspicuous town of Barnsley, which, notwithstanding the smoke that envelopes it, stands out in fine relief on the opposite hill.

They gave the peasants liberty to call a meeting at that place for Third-day, the 18th. On Second-day, as they were setting off, an accident happened to John Yeardley.

One object in this journey was to revisit the school which had been established by himself and Martha Yeardley in 1842: another was the renewal of his declining health. Susan Howland and Lydia Congdon, from the United States, who were then on a visit to Europe, were bound for the same destination, and John Yeardley gave them his company. 12 mo. 6.

At a meeting which they held in this city, both John Yeardley and Peter Bedford were engaged to minister to the spiritual wants of the people; A. Kloster interpreting for them. The company were so much interested, that many of them went afterwards to the hotel to converse and ask for tracts.

Before leaving, the forty-sixth Psalm was read, and we had a comforting time together: the Lord be praised! How sweet in him is the fellowship of the gospel! Writing to Josiah Forster from Bonn, John Yeardley makes some general remarks on the religious state of Germany, as they had found it in their frequent intercourse with individuals of various character during this journey.

The pastor's wife, says John Yeardley, is a sweet-spirited woman. After much social converse our garden-visit closed with a religious occasion, in which I expressed a few words of exhortation. I think we were sensible of the nearness of the presence of our Divine Master, which proved a brook by the dreary way.

The president of the missionary society was so unfriendly to those who associated with John and Martha Yeardley, that he not only refused to let them have the room, but refused also to let notice be given at his meeting of the alteration in time and place which it was needful to make in theirs.

They returned home, both of them worn with travelling, and Martha Yeardley exhausted with disease, which was making sure progress in her debilitated frame; but they were supported by the peaceful consciousness of having accomplished all the service to which they had been called to labor in common.

On their return to Neufchâtel they visited the celebrated school of the Moravians at Montmirail, where, says Martha Yeardley We soon felt quite at home with a precious, spiritually-minded man, the master, and his agreeable English wife. This is an excellent institution, for females only, and several English are there. We were about seventy in company at dinner, and much sweet feeling prevailed.

Leisure being afforded, I have spent a good deal of time in reading diligently and attentively the Holy Scriptures, I trust to some profit. After this seasonable pause, John and Martha Yeardley were much occupied with a projected change in their place of residence, which issued in their removal, in the spring of 1831, to Scarborough.