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About th' time th' lord chamberlain wint over to tell her she was queen, an' she came out in her nitey to hear th' good news, I was announced into this wurruld iv sin an' sorrow. So ye see we've reigned about th' same lenth iv time, an' I ought to be cillybratin' me di'mon' jubilee. I wud, too, if I had anny di'mon's. Do ye r-run down to Aldherman O'Brien's an' borrow twinty or thirty f'r me.

Let him set what spies he will, she'll do what she wants, if the young man lets her." "His mother " interjected the Young Doctor. "Her of the plumage her! Shure, she's not livin' in this wurruld. She's only visitin' it. She's got no responsibility. If iver there was a child of a fairy tale, that wumman's the child.

Sary stood in the doorway grinning sympathetically as she watched John dash away after Anne Stewart, when Jeb said: "Lem'me get by wid this load of wood." She smirked and said: "Ah, Jeb! Thar's nuthin' in the wurruld like young love, ain't it?"

The things he does my, my, the things he does!" She threw up her hands with an air of distraction. "Well, and what does he do, Madame?" asked the Avocat simply. "An' what he says, too the awful of it! Ah, the bad sour heart in him! What's he lyin' in his bed for now an' the New Year comin' on, whin we ought to be praisin' God an' enjoyin' each other's company in this blessed wurruld?

Other men's sons may pack away a shirt in a thrunk, an' go out into th' wurruld, brakin' on a freight or ladin' Indyanny bankers up to a shell game. But a man that's headed f'r a throne can't r-run away. He's got to take th' job. If he kicks, they blindfold him an' back him in. He can't ask f'r his time at th' end iv th' week, an' lave. He pays himsilf.

Can I? I want to put it in Her " But he caught himself up before he got quite to "Treasury Box." He could not tell Uncle Larry about that. The tall figure coming down the hall quickened its steps to a leap towards the opened box on the table. Uncle Larry's face was flushed, but he laughed he always laughed. "You little 'thafe o' the wurruld'!" he called out. "What are you doing with my roses?"

Did me father iver ask thim in to share th' stirabout? Not him. An' he was the kindest man in th' wurruld. He had a heart in him as big as a lump iv turf, but he'd say, 'Whin ye grow up, take no wan's sorrows to ye'ersilf, he says. ''Tis th' wise man that goes through life thinkin' iv himsilf, fills his own stomach, an' takes away what he can't ate in his pocket. An' he was r-right, Jawn.

An' so he dances fr'm wan par-rt th' wurruld to another like a riochous an' happy flea, an' divvle th' bit iv progress he makes, on'y thrubble f'r others an' a merry life f'r himsilf." "If England wint to war with France," said Mr. Hennessy, suddenly, "I'd be f'r France." "So ye wud, Hinnissy. So ye wud," said Mr. Dooley.

Sell thim gin, says I. ''Tis shameful they shud go out with nawthin' to hide their nakedness, he says. 'I'll fetch thim clothes; but, he says, cas th' weather's too war-rum f'r clothes, I'll not sell thim annything that'll last long, he says. 'If it wasn't f'r relligion, he says, 'I don't know what th' 'ell th' wurruld wud come to, he says. 'Who's relligion? says th' Fr-rinchman.

Then he turned to Hilton, and blurted out, "Aw, the rose o' the valley, the pride o' the wide wurruld! aw, the bloom o' the hills! I'd have kissed her dirty shoe. McQuire!" A burst of laughter rolled out on the clear air of the prairie, and the hills seemed to stir with the pleasure of life.