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"Let 'em think wot they like," said Mr. Davis, recklessly. "This is a nice home-coming after being away thirty-five years." "Most of it on a desert island," put in Mr. Wotton, pathetically. "And now I've come back," resumed Mr. Davis; "come back to stop."

It was all very well, but, as Smith said, wot 'e wanted was feathers in 'is piller, instead of 'aving to snatch a bit o' sleep in 'is chair or sitting down with his 'ead agin a tree. When I tell you that 'e fell asleep in this public-'ouse one night while the landlord was drawing a pint o' beer he 'ad ordered, you'll know wot 'e suffered.

"Well, a quid's no good to a man wi' a wife an' family," replied the old woman. "Wot do yer reckon on doin'?" She knew that her judgment of Jonah was being put to the test, and she remarked his gloomy face with satisfaction. "I'm goin' ter chuck Dutchy, if I can git a job," said Jonah. "I went round ter Bob Watkins, but 'e's in the 'orspital, an' 'is wife's sellin' 'is tools."

He don't know when 'e's well off. It's as comfortable a 'ome as a man could wish to 'ave." It was surprising wot a little difference George Dixon's being away made to the Blue Lion. Nobody seemed to miss 'im much, and things went on just the same as afore he went. Mrs.

And there's Mr Kennedy's gray mare, wot's a standin' of beside me, she ain't skittish a bit, though she's plenty of spirit, and wouldn't care hanythink for a five-barred gate. Now, wot I want to know is, wot's the reason why?"

"Marry, because she hath bewitched him, and I wot well he would take it from her without gainsaying." "But what was it thou gavest him?" "'T was there was a wench here with the savages, and Squanto told me she was a wise woman and knew how to work spells" "Well then, go on, Desire."

"Now Jo, my man," continued Henry, "one of our friends must be got out of the way." "Wery good; I'm the man as'll do it." "Of course I don't mean that he's to be killed!" "In coorse not. Who is he?" "Ole Thorwald." "Wot! the descendant o' the Sea Kings, as he calls himself?" "The same," said Henry, laughing at the look of surprise with which Bumpus received this information.

"'You don't know heverythink, Blake, he says he 'ad a nasty way o' using that there expression; 'it isn't fever it's joy. For if the stream below has such an effect, wot will the source be like? "Well, it wasn't much good taking notice of what he said, but anyhow, next day 'e'd gone! "The boys said he'd gone upstream towards the big fall, and arter a while I follered him.

He was in the Three Widders at Aldgate, in the saloon bar which is a place where you get a penn'orth of ale in a glass and pay twopence for it and, arter being told by the barmaid that she had got one monkey at 'ome, he got into conversation with another man wot was in there. He was a big man with a black moustache and a red face, and 'is fingers all smothered in di'mond rings.

In coorse, I can't throw up my sitivation, sir, can I? Neither can my doggie give up his master wot he's so fond of, so I'm obleeged to leave 'im in charge of a friend, with stric' orders to keep 'im locked up till I'm fairly gone. Vell, off I goes, but he manages to escape, an' runs arter me.