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Occasionally, while she stood there, some of the passers-by would turn and look at her with friendly admiring eyes, as though they found something pleasant in her lovely wistful face and her old-fashioned clothes; and this pleased her so much that she lost her feeling of loneliness.

Dicky wandered in and out like a restless ghost until I wanted to shriek from very nervousness. But the first glimpse of the slender girl who came quietly into the room and announced herself as Miss Sonnot steadied me. She was a "slip of a thing," as my mother would have dubbed her, with great, wistful brown eyes that illumined her delicate face.

It will be difficult functioning without magic, but most universes manage; I'll learn to cope." Nevan bowed, his expression chagrined. "In that case I spoke too hastily, Highness. Will you accept my apology?" "Of course, warrior." Ariel paused, then looked wistful.

"Will you bring us again?" asked Pearl, with a wistful look on her anxious face. "I like music even better than riding around the ring." "Your aunt, Miss Maise will bring you next Sunday," was the only promise that Mr. Grey could hold out for them. "We wish you could go with us too. Thank you for taking us," they called as they left him.

Stratton was never sure just how long he stood staring at her in dumb, dazed bewilderment. After those mental pictures of the Mary Thorne he had expected to find, it was small wonder that the sight of this slip of a black-frocked girl, with her soft voice, her tawny-golden hair and wistful eyes, should stun him into temporary speechlessness.

She made him walk back and back again through the long passage, which was sacred to the chief suite of apartments at the Blue Boar. "We have it all to ourselves, and nobody can see us here; and oh, my dear boy, if you would only tell me what I ought to do?" she repeated, with wistful looks of appeal. Mr Wentworth was too good-hearted to show the impatience with which he was struggling.

"How's that?" "Well, things ain't the same. That's about what it comes to." Kirk stopped and looked at him. His expression was wistful. "I ought not to be talking about it." "You go right ahead, squire," said Steve soothingly. "I know just how you feel, and I guess talking's not going to do any harm. Act as if I wasn't here. Look on it as a monologue. I don't amount to anything."

"No, Miss May," said he, "not very." "Because I want your opinion." "In one moment," said the philosopher, apologetically. He turned back to the fly-leaf and began to nail the last fallacy a little tighter to the cross. The girl regarded him, first with amused impatience, then with a vexed frown, finally with a wistful regret.

What sorrowful memories were suggested by that sad face! All soon will be cleared. Oswald Langdon now may return without shame. Esther's eyes are tearfully luminous; Charles looks proudly expectant; over Sir Donald's fascinating features settles a gravely wistful smile.

The flowers, the lights, and the music of the night he had dined at the lodge came back to him. He recalled a touch on his arm, an upturned face with wistful gray eyes, and remembered Katrine's warning. As he did so a great anger came to him at the way he had been used, and his newly awakened manhood called to him for action. There should be another side to the matter, he determined.