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Winship walked in, stocking-basket in hand, and seated herself in the little wicker rocking-chair. Polly's clarion tones had given her a clue to the subject, and she thought the discussion needed guidance. 'You were talking about Mrs. Pinkerton, girls, she said, serenely.

The graceful, brown-haired girl with the bright, laughter-loving face, was Bell Winship. She of the dancing blue eyes, pink cheeks, and reckless little sun-bonnet was Pauline, otherwise Polly Oliver. Did you ever know a Polly without some one of these things?

We wouldn't scarcely know what you was doing at all if it wasn't for John. "Your Loving Father, "EZRA D. WINSHIP." It seems I'm to have a new chaperon. He's a little stiff in the joints and his face is wrinkled and his talk is not that of society and he's coming out of the West on a cattle train. Good Lord! Oh, yes, he'll come. Uncle Timothy'll urge him to take me back to the farm.

There was a long wait then, while Diana completed her preparations for the hunt; but when Kitty Bonnair, fully apparelled, finally stepped through the door Creede reeled in the saddle, and even Rufus Hardy gasped. There was nothing immodest about her garb in fact, it was very correct and proper but not since the Winship girls rode forth in overalls had Hidden Water seen its like.

Winship told me; "an' they say you'n' Sis had ought to be married f'om their house. Good idee, seems to me, though Sis here don't take to it, somehow." "Oh, I suppose I can endure Aunt Frank," said Helen, making savage dabs at Cadge's typewriter; "if you wish it you and John."

A splendid fellow he was, so earnest, thoughtful, and wise; so gravely tender in all his ways to Aunt Truth, who was the only mother he had ever known; so devoted to Dr. Winship, who loved him as his own elder son. What will Geoffrey Strong be as a man? The twig is bent, and it is safe to predict how the tree will incline.

Because I didn't mention it at the time, you needn't suppose I've forgotten your getting me into trouble with Mrs. Winship, the day before the Howards came. 'That was not my fault, said Polly, hotly. 'I didn't speak any louder than the other girls, and I didn't know Aunt Truth objected to Mrs. Pinkerton, and I didn't know she was anywhere near.

Winship was so entirely taken aback by Laura's remark, that she could only ejaculate, 'Polly said that! What do you mean? 'Oh, I am quite ready to think she said more than she intended, but those were her words. 'Polly! Polly turned. Alas! it was plain enough that this was no false accusation.

They were not a sufficient excuse; and for that matter, nothing could be a sufficient excuse for her language. Now that she was confronted with her own fault, Laura's seemed so small beside it that she would have been ashamed to offer it as any justification. Mrs. Winship grew pale, and for a moment was quite at a loss as to the treatment of such a situation. 'Don't say any more about it, Mrs.

On the threshold appeared a lank girl with shining black hair and quick, keen, good-humoured eyes. "Howdy?" she asked with brisk cordiality; "angel children, hope I see you well." In her wake was a tall, quiet-looking young man with a reddish-brown beard. "Salute; salaam," he said; "all serene, Kitty? And you, Miss Winship?"