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The unexpected sob frightened him more than any fusilade of hot words, and he stole away in the darkness more crestfallen than he had been for many a year. Mrs. Winship, more troubled than ever, pulled apart the canvas curtains, and stood in the opening, silently.

Oh, the manager's an important person in his way; he has theatres in every part of the country and is a busy man. But he was willing enough to see me when his stupid people had let him know that I was the Miss Winship! Sorry as was my heart, I felt a thrill of triumph at this new proof of my fame and the power beauty gives.

This is the beginning of the stuff: So fair that, had you Beauty's picture took, It must like her or not like Beauty look. A Western Wild Rose! As sweet! As perfect! By all who have seen her, Helen Winship is pronounced the most beautiful of women. Last Monday night, at the Opera House, a great audience paid her such spontaneous tribute as never before was offered human being.

She would come back from the beautiful home of her friend, Bell Winship, and look about on her own surroundings, never with scorn, or sense of bitterness, she was too sensible and sweet-natured for that, but with an inward rebellion against the existing state of things, and a secret determination to create a better one, if God would only give her power and opportunity.

As he was a very personable young man strangers, especially at chapel, took particular notice of him, and were continually inquiring of his adventures; but Winship not only constantly refused to give them any satisfaction, but declared also to the Ordinary that he did not think himself obliged to make any discoveries which might affect the lives of others, showing also an extraordinary uneasiness whenever such questions were put to him.

She hain't got up either!" the boy answered, breathlessly. As the two drew nearer the crowd a chorus of voices greeted them. "Miss District! Here's Miss District!" The throng made way for the nurse. Down in the heap of fallen stair railing lay poor Sal. Immediately Miss Winship was beside her. Gloria never quite knew what happened the next half hour. It was mercifully always a bad dream to her.

Then I entered, and a page, small, meek and blue-uniformed, trotted ahead of me through a beautiful hall, white with marble columns and mosaics, sumptuous with golden ceiling, dazzling with light and green with palms, to the curtained entrance of a dainty reception room. "Stop a minute, Mercury," I said as he turned to leave; "where is Miss Winship?" He reappeared from an office beyond, replying:

All leading parts reserved for Miss Winship, by order of the authors, I suppose. 'Indeed, Laura, Bell said, 'if we had known you were coming we would have offered you the best part, but I only took Rosalind because I knew the lines, and the girls insisted. 'You've trained the girls well hasn't she, Geoffrey? asked Laura, with a queer kind of laugh. But I will leave the unpleasant subject.

'She will either end as the matron of an orphan asylum or as head-nurse in a hospital. So Bell Winship often used to say; but then she was chiefly celebrated for talking nonsense, and nobody ever paid much attention to her. But if you should crave a breath of fresh air, or want to believe that the spring has come, just call Bell Winship in, as she walks with her breezy step down the street.

Now you could ride the Four Peaks country far and wide and never hear the music of such voices, never see calico on the line, or a lace curtain across the window. There were no women in that godless land, not since the Widow Winship took Sallie and Susie and left precipitately for St.