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For some reason or other perhaps the poor woman has none prepared; who knows? the woman, instead of obeying the command like a "guid wifey," enters upon a wordy demurrer, whereupon her husband borrows a hoe-handle from a bystander and advances to chastise her for daring to thus hesitate about obeying his orders; the woman retreats precipitately into the house, heaping Turkish epithets on her devoted husband's head.

Connors began to foray into his pockets, plunging her hand into the right, the left, then stopped suddenly, her little face flashing up at him. "It's round and furry my honeybunch brought me a peach! Beau-ful pink peach in December! Nine million dollars my hubby pays to bring him wifey a beau-ful pink peach."

"Now that's a fine question for a ten-hours' wifey to ask her hubby, ain't it? Am I sorry, she asks me before the wedding crowd has turned the corner. Lord, honey, I never expected anything like you to happen to me!" She stroked his coat-sleeve, mouthing back tears. "Now everybody'll say you're a goner for sure marrying a Popular Store girl."

"You did it because you're a dear, good, kind-hearted man." "Think so, wifey? I'm inclined to put it down to sheer dislike of botheration Irish inertia ... the curse of our race." "Yes, yes, I knoo you'd be wantin' to get rid o' me, now you're goin' up in the world," was Long Jim's answer when Polly broached her scheme for his benefit. "Well, no, I won't say anythin' against you, Mrs.

Her children, and their children, too, In number, just about a score, I count, as blessings, to her due: May God repeat His gift once more. My little wifey, always dear, When Christmas comes, I think back then And greet you with increasing cheer, My Christmas Gift, returned again. "It's a beautiful idea, Dick, but it won't do now. There's too much pathos in it for this occasion.

These tender reminders that so many of his friends were thinking of him with affection and sending him such cordial good wishes and hopes for recovery seemed to please Captain Gordon greatly. As for the little "wifey" she just sat at her husband's side and enjoyed the same measure of surprise and pleasure.

Bing! on the door and in waltzed Olga's handicap, who had been out and soaked up a souse, and not finding little wifey when he returned to the hut, he starts out on a still hunt and ropes in my shack. "Hubby comes in carrying weight for grouch and pipes party of five Blonde Party, Olga, Soul Mate, Wilbur and me. Calls down wifey for not coming home. Business of language.

She raised a frowsy head from its pillow, put a dirty hand to her eyes to shade them from the sun entering the darkened room by the open door, smiled fatuously upon her husband. "Come and haul wifey up, and make me comfy, and give me a cup of tea," she invited him. One side of her was helpless. She was a tall and broadly-made woman, enormously fat.

I deeply regret that my new shirts do not fit you, Henry! And my smile is a benediction upon that wayward scullion. Then, dear friend, why, why do you desire to offer me up upon the altar of unrest? What is a little wifey to me or I to any wifey?" "Because," said Gatewood irritated, "you offered me up.

"Having a bit crack with wee wifey? Any news this bright morning?" "No, dear Padre," said Miss Mapp, showing her gums. "At least, I've heard nothing of any interest. I can only give you the news of my garden. Such lovely new roses in bloom to-day, bless them!" Mrs. Plaistow had popped into the stationer's, so this perjury was undetected. The Padre was noted for his diplomacy.