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Carlyle, thinking and writing some of the most beautiful things that he ever thought or wrote, could not make allowance for his wife's high spirit and physical weakness. She, on her side nervous, fitful, and hard to please thought herself a slave, the servant of a harsh and brutal master.

"Do you remember," said Maria, "that there was a fireplace in the room, near the sofa where we sat?" "Yes, dear." "And that it was cold, although it was May; so cold that the waiter came in to light the fire?" "Yes, and it was then I made you cry." "Could you repeat those same words to-day?" "Oh, no!" So saying, Giovanni kissed his wife's white forehead reverently, as if it were a holy thing.

Then, awkwardly, "I calc'late I need a pair of blankets, but I can't afford 'em this year. Wife's been sick " "Sure," said Scattergood, "I know. If you want them blankets take 'em along. Pay me when you kin.... Jest give me a sort of note for a memorandum. Glad to accommodate you." So Scattergood marketed his blankets, taking in exchange a perfectly good, interest-bearing note.

So the commission was obtained, and Henry, now second lieutenant in the Rifle Brigade, then called the 95th, was sent to Shorncliffe, and captain Harry Smith was his senior officer. The Boer war has made us very well acquainted with the name of this gentleman, for in after years it was given to the town of Harrismith in South Africa, while his wife's has become immortal in 'Ladysmith.

So that, resolving that Osborn should not forget, natural as it would have been for him, in her judgment, to do so, she trailed his wife's birthday across his path a fortnight before the actual day, wishing in her thoughtfulness to give him the chance to save from two weeks' salary for some gift.

I find my new table very proper, and will hold nine or ten people well, but eight with great room. After dinner the women to cards in my wife's chamber, and the Dr. and Mr. Pierce in mine, because the dining-room smokes unless I keep a good charcoal fire, which I was not then provided with.

Let us now make every allowance for my wife's unconscious suggestions: she knew that I was at Elberfeld and that I should be in the midst of the horses, and she knew or could easily conjecture my state of mind. The transmission of thought is remarkable; but this is a recognized phenomenon and one of frequent occurrence and we need not therefore linger over it.

Who is more tedious than the man incessantly struggling to avoid the banal? Nature rules that such a one will produce nothing better than epigram and paradox, saying old, old things in a new way, or merely shifting object for subject and his wife's face, when he shines for a circle, is worth a glance.

"And how long do you expect to remain?" inquired Mr. Clifford. "For a few days only, but long enough I trust to recover these two sailors of mine, who have been complaining so much of late; and my wife's health also is not as good as usual, accustomed though she has been to long sea-voyages.

Edward Henry at the final moment had yielded his wife's stall to the instances of a Minister of the Crown, and at Lady Woldo's urgent request had put her into Lady Woldo's private landowner's-box, where also was Miss Elsie April, who "had already had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Machin." Edward Henry's first night was an event of magnitude. And he alone was responsible for it.