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Why couldn't he dress rather more quietly? Daly was there in all his glory, and the Field-Marshal as lank and cadaverous as ever; and besides ourselves there was Whipcord with the straw in his mouth, and one or two other fellows belonging to our host's particular set. The supper was quite as elaborate and a good deal more noisy than that at Doubleday's.

What can we do against the police of this country working in their own land?" Streuss struck the table before which they were standing. The veins in his temples were like whipcord. "Adolf," he muttered, "you talk like a fool! Can't you see what it means? If that document reaches its destination, what do you suppose will happen?" "They will know our plans, of course," Kahn answered.

Their chief pride consists in having everything made of silver; I have seen a cacique with his spurs, stirrups, handle of his knife, and bridle made of this metal: the head-stall and reins being of wire, were not thicker than whipcord; and to see a fiery steed wheeling about under the command of so light a chain, gave to the horsemanship a remarkable character of elegance.

And now the panther was like a black, snake-like fury, blind with rage and unsatisfied lust, with tail lashing like a whipcord and yellow eyes that gleamed like tiny suns. His jaws were red and dripping, his claws had been torn by the same grapnels that had snatched his prey from him. He had ceased to roar, but snarl upon snarl escaped his panting throat. The public delighted in him.

And she walked off up the woodland path, swinging her recovered parasol, and finding herself with a good deal to think about. Peter, coming on deck, found his friend waiting for him, taut as a whipcord. "Well, old horse!" said Maginnis. "Welcome back to jolly little Hunston." "The machinery broke down on me," said Varney, turning away to light a cigarette. "Sure," said Peter cheerfully.

'I wish to God, he said, 'the old den would tumble down upon the heads of the fools who attack and the knaves who defend it! I see, Waverley, you think I am mad. Leave us, Evan, but be within call. 'The Colonel's in an unco kippage, said Mrs. Flockhart to Evan as he descended; 'I wish he may be weel, the very veins on his brent brow are swelled like whipcord; wad he no tak something?

The author lays in a store against the dark weather-Hears voices His thoughts thereon Persuades himself it was a dream Hears them again Determines to see if any one lodged in the rock Is satisfied there is nobody Observations on what he saw Finds a strong weed like whipcord Makes a drag-net Lengthens it Catches a monster Its description Makes oil of it

Jean Jacques was smaller than Stolphe, but he was all whipcord and leather; the other was sleek and soft, but powerful too; and he had one of those savage natures which go blind with hatred, and which fight like beasts. He glanced swiftly round the room. "There is no weapon here," said Jean Jacques, nodding. "I have put everything away so you could not hurt me if you wanted.... Sit down!"

The lianas were there in profusion climbing over the highest trees, and entangling them, with stems varying in size from those as thick as a man's arm to those as slender as whipcord, binding all in an impassable network, and hanging over our heads in rich festoons or tendrils swaying in the breeze.

"Ah!" interrupted Brett, "that explains everything. But why was Hussein killed?" "That is another matter, which only a Turk can understand. These fellows believe in the knife or a piece of whipcord as ending unpleasant difficulties most effectually. You see they were not ordinary rogues.