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"Bedad, Oi say no rayson agin it," replied Mick, standing up for the superstitions of his country like a man. "Faith, a banshee can go ony whare he loikes." "Ay?" said the other interrogatively. "What is a banshee, my lad?" "Begorrah," answered Mick, crossing himself, "thet's more'n ony one knows, may the saints presairve us fur mintionin' on 'em!

Oh, Hugh!" and in that choking cry Hugh could read the measure of his young brother's mental sufferings since he had last seen him. In a moment he had severed the flax fastening of the door, and burst in to find Dick, securely tied hand and foot to a post in the centre of the wharé.

He damped Smith's hair to make it dark and lank, and his face more corpse-like by comparison in short, he made him up to look like a man who had long passed the very last stage of consumption, and had been artificially kept alive in the interests of science. "Now you're ready," said Steelman to Smith. "You left your whare the day before yesterday and started to walk to the hospital at Palmerston.

When my mind was quite made up to make Auld Reekie my headquarters, reserving the privilege of EXPLORING in all directions, I began to explore in good earnest for the purpose of discovering a suitable habitation. "And whare trew ye I gaed?" as Sir Pertinax says. Not to George's Square nor to Charlotte Square nor to the old New Town nor to the new New Town nor to the Calton Hill.

"The measles?" exclaimed Tom Jerrold, bursting into a laugh. "I never heard of a bird dying of that complaint before." "Faix, thin, ye can hear it now," said the boatswain with some heat. "An', sure, I don't say whare the laugh comes in, me joker!

"And whare is your honours gaun the day," said the mendicant, "wi' a' your picks and shules? Od, this will be some o' your tricks, Monkbarns: ye'll be for whirling some o' the auld monks down by yonder out o' their graves afore they hear the last call but, wi' your leave, I'se follow ye at ony rate, and see what ye mak o't."

They would tell tales," said the Englishman; and he turned again to Ngati, who sent two men out of the whare to return directly with the dried garments.

How I shood like to have little Maria out on my farm in Baldinsville, Injianny, whare she cood run in the tall grass, wrastle with the boys, cut up strong at parin bees, make up faces behind the minister's back, tie auction bills to the skoolmaster's coat-tales, set all the fellers crazy after her, & holler & kick up, & go it just as much as she wanted to! But I diegress.

Naebody ever kenn'd whare his uncle the prior earded him, or what he did wi' his gowd and silver, for he stood on the right o' halie kirk, and wad gie nae account to onybody. But the prophecy gat abroad in the country, that whenever Misticot's grave was fund out, the estate of Knockwinnock should be lost and won."

"Besides these wives you see here, Mister Ward," sed Yung, "I hav eighty more in varis parts of this consecrated land which air Sealed to me." "Which?" sez I, gittin up & starin at him. "Sealed, Sir! sealed." "Whare bowts?" sez I. "I sed, Sir, that they was sealed!" He spoke in a traggerdy voice. "Will they probly continner on in that stile to any grate extent, Sir?" I axed.