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'You must leave all your wet things to be dried. 'O! entre freres! 'En Angleterre, vous employez des sliding-seats, n'est-ce pas? 'We are all employed in commerce during the day; but in the evening, voyez-vous, nous sommes serieux. These were the words.

Reuter vous prie de vouloir bien conduire la petite de Dorlodot chez elle, elle vous attend dans le cabinet de Rosalie la portiere c'est que sa bonne n'est pas venue la chercher voyez-vous." "Eh bien! est-ce que je suis sa bonne moi?" demanded Mdlle. Henri; then smiling, with that same bitter, derisive smile I had seen on her lips once before, she hastily rose and made her exit.

A wild and nonsensical idea crossed my mind. "Stepan Trofimovitch, tell me as a friend," I cried, "as a real friend, I will not betray you: do you belong to some secret society or not?" And on this, to my amazement, he was not quite certain whether he was or was not a member of some secret society. "That depends, voyez-vous." "How do you mean 'it depends'?"

They would be happier if he were dead. 'We are all employed in commerce during the day; but in the evening, VOYEZ-VOUS, NOUS SOMMES SERIEUX. These were the words. They were all employed over the frivolous mercantile concerns of Belgium during the day; but in the evening they found some hours for the serious concerns of life.

"That's just what I meant when I asked, but he went away without answering. Voyez-vous: as for linen, clothes, warm things especially, that must be as they decide; if they tell me to take them all right, or they might send me in a soldier's overcoat. You see, it's in small change and the coppers are on the table, so they won't guess that I've hidden the money, but will suppose that that's all.

There was no love lost between us, as you say: and the world never knew a more worthless miscreant. I hate him, voyez-vous? I hated him alife; I hate him dead. I hate him man; I hate him ghost: and he know it, and tremble before me. If I see him twenty tausend years hence and why not? I shall hate him still. You remarked how he was dressed?"

"Ah, but so old-fashioned I do believe I not see my money for it. Voyez-vous, de Lady Lucy is one petite lady si jolie, mais tres petite. If she were de tall grand lady, you see de great dresses could fit small lady, but de leetle dresses fit but ver few." "If I sell the green velvet I must have another next winter!" murmured Lady Lucy. "Ah! vous avez raison when de season nouveautes come in.

"Voyez-vous, l

I thought of the last words of "Une Vie," that fine novel, which even Tolstoi considers great, of the old servant's summing up: "La vie, voyez-vous, ca n'est jamais si bon ni si mauvais qu'on croit." "Perhaps," thought I, "'t is the same with death." "The Societe des Gens de Lettres had to buy the ground for him," interrupted the wall-eyed guardian compassionately.

L'Evangile... voyez-vous, desormais nous precherons ensemble and I will gladly sell your beautiful little books. Yes, I feel that that perhaps is an idea, quelque chose de tres nouveau dans ce genre. The peasants are religious, c'est admis, but they don't yet know the gospel.