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We next hear of Jack Slade in Montana, where he took to his old trade again. The Vigilants thought they must "draw the line somewhere," so they drew it at Jack Slade. He escaped several times the threatened vengeance, saved by the intercession of his wife, a faithful and determined woman, but he did not mend his ways. One day, when she was absent, they took him and hung him to a tree.

"Say Jake, won't you ask us in to have something warm to drink?" cried another Vigilant. Watson edged a trifle nearer to Hare, and whispered: "Send 'em away at once, or else " Once bring the Vigilants into the house, as the soldier knew, and capture or death would be the result. Hare could almost feel the cold muzzle of the revolver near his head.

"Perhaps the Vigilants are on our track, bad luck to them!" "Can Hare have told them, after all?" queried George. "Don't know about that," muttered Watson, "but I think we have the gentlemen from Jasper to deal with once again." "Let's decamp into the darkness before it's too late," said Macgreggor. "Come, come," whispered Watson impatiently.

It's pitch dark and raining again like cats and dogs; we don't know our way; we are sure to get lost before we have run fifty yards from the house, and these Vigilants, who understand every foot of the country, will divide into small parties, and hunt us down, as sure as fate. And if they can't, they will put hounds on our track and then we'll be beautifully carved up into beefsteaks.

"I don't know who brought the Vigilants out for us the second time, unless it was our dear friend Hare, and I don't know whether they will give us another chase this morning," said Watson, as they were laboriously ascending one of the mountain spurs which led down to the river shore, "but we must go steadily on, and trust to luck. To delay would be fatal.

He allus kem in as you went out sabe! and got away before you kem back, his wife all the time just a-hoverin' between the two places, and keeping watch for him. It was killin' to her, you see, for she wasn't brought up to it, whiles Jim didn't keer had two revolvers and kalkilated to kill a dozen Vigilants afore he dropped.

Oh, yes. To be sure," he answered and resumed his writing. Charles Gerberding, who held the title of publisher in the new enterprise, looked up from his ledger. "If this keeps up," he said, smiling and rubbing his hands, "we can enlarge the paper in a month or so." He shut the volume with a slam and lighted a cigar. "Hello, Coleman, how are the Vigilants?

But the cur weakened when the Vigilants started out to make war on any game a gen'leman might hev that wasn't in their gummy-bag, salt pork trade. Well, it's gettin' a long time between drinks, gen'lemen, ain't it?" He looked round him significantly.

But I've allus a shanty at Petalumy, and mebbe when things is froze over and Jim gets back you'll come and see him for you ain't seen him at his best." "I suppose his wife and children go with him?" said Breeze. "No! He's agin it, and wants them to come later. But that's all right, for you see she kin go back to their own house at the Mission, now that the Vigilants are givin' up shadderin' it.

"That's just it," said the second man, with a querulous protest, which did not, however, conceal his admiring vassalage to his friend; "that's what I'm allus telling Jim. 'Jim, I says, 'how is folks to know you're the man that shot Kernel Baxter, and dropped three o' them Mariposa Vigilants? They didn't see you do it!