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Stanleyville is the head of navigation on the Congo and like Paris, is built on two sides of the river. On the right bank is the place of the Vice-Governor General, scores of well stocked stores, and many desirable residences. The streets are long avenues of palm trees. The left bank is almost entirely given over to the railway terminals, yards, and repair shops.

Why, did I not understand that it was the patriotic duty of a Hungarian citizen to cheat the Treasury whenever an opportunity to do so was offered? "Just you let him alone," said the Vice-Governor, laughing. "He is an innocent, honest fellow, with a tender conscience, and nothing so tough and hardened as you.

Stavrogin is not such a fool, and the proof of that is he left the town at twelve o'clock after an interview with the vice-governor; if there were anything in it they would not let him go to Petersburg in broad daylight." "But we are not making out that Mr. Stavrogin committed the murder himself," Liputin rejoined spitefully and unceremoniously.

"Yes, and he's got naked children running about in the woods." "Children? The instructresses too!" "They may not be exactly naked, but they are always running about barefoot." "Just like peasant women," said Zherbenev. "Yes," said the Vice-Governor. "It is very immoral for women to go about barefoot. It must be stopped." "They are poor people," said some one.

The same post was subsequently bestowed on Yorinobu's son, Yoriyoshi, and on the latter's son, Yoshiiye, known by posterity as "Hachiman Taro," Japan's most renowned archer, to whom the pre-eminence of the Minamoto family was mainly due. Tadatsune had another son, Tsunemasa, who was appointed vice-governor of Shimosa and who is generally spoken of as Chiba-no-suke.

Then the Vice-Governor wrote on its cover, "Legacy of the Late Honourable Dionysius Dumany," and handed it over to the trustee. "Now you see what has come of your blabbing," said Siegfried. "How will you manage now?" "Well enough. I have some money in Vienna, and I am going to fetch it. I have to go up to Vienna, anyhow, to arrange my belongings there."

My original plan was to live with the Vice-Governor General, Monsieur de Meulemeester, but his establishment was so taxed by the demands of the Ministerial party that I lodged with Monsieur Theews, Chief Engineer of the Chemin de Fer des Grands Lacs, where I was most comfortable in a large frame bungalow that commanded a superb view of the river and the town.

Tadeo would bow politely, wave his hand in a friendly manner, and call out a familiar greeting. "Who's he?" "Bah!" was the negligent reply. "The Civil Governor, the Vice-Governor, Judge , Señora , all friends of mine!" The novice marveled and listened in fascination, taking care to keep on the left. Tadeo the friend of judges and governors!

The Vice-Governor broke into a laugh, and Siegfried took hold of both my ears and gave them a hard pull. "Oh! you, you, you doctor!" He would have said you fool, or you simpleton, but he found the "doctor" more explanatory, and a good deal more to the purpose.

Doulebova sat at the head of the table, between the Vice-Governor and Zherbenev; Doulebov sat next to the Vice-Governor. A pie was brought in; then tea. Zinaida Grigorievna abused the instructors' wives and the instructresses. She loved gossip indeed, who does not? The instructors' wives gossiped to her.