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When a youngster, sailed two v'y'ges with a man who navigated his ship pretty much by the latter sort of information, which sometimes answers." "I know we are steering in the right direction at present," returned the Sergeant; "but in the course of a few hours we shall be up with a headland, where we must feel our way with more caution."

The man that wrongs the craft he sails in can never be a true-hearted sailor. Stick by your ship in all weathers is my rule, and a good rule it is to go by. But what did you tell the stranger?" "Oh! I told him I'd been six v'y'ges in the brig. The first was to Madagascar " "The d l you did? Was he soft enough to believe that?" "That's more than I knows, sir.

I s'pose he sent for me to be a witness, as I am some acquainted with the sealin' business, having made two v'y'ges out of Stunnin'tun, many years since. Ay, ay; that's the insterment, and pretty well frightened was the deacon when he put his name to it, I can tell you!" "Frightened!" echoed the brother "that's ag'in law, at any rate.

An' I've seen the time myself when I was hi-mighty glad I'd l'arned to count stitches. "Land sakes! Some o' them whalin' v'y'ges lasted three-four years. Cap'n Am'zon was in the old bark Neptune's Daughter when she was caught in the ice and drifted pretty average close't to the south pole. "You know," said Cap'n Abe reflectively, "the Antarctic regions ain't like the Arctic. 'Cause why?

Why don't you go off on some them long v'y'ges? s'd I. It's pretty hard when Mr. Wemmel stands ready to marry Z'rilla and provide a comfortable home for us both I hain't got a great many years more to live, and I SHOULD like to get some satisfaction out of 'em, and not be beholden and dependent all my days, to have Hen, here, blockin' the way.

For the first few years arter he grew up Bill went to sea, and that on'y made 'im more superstitious than ever. Him and a pal named Silas Winch went several v'y'ges together, and their talk used to be that creepy that some o' the chaps was a'most afraid to be left on deck alone of a night.

He didn't know, on the whole, but eight dollars a day might give a living profit, provided he could throw all the thinking on his God-like, and turn his attention to suthin' else; he thought of writing his v'y'ges, for he understood that anything from foreign parts took like wild-fire in Leaplow; and if they didn't take, he could always project charts for a living.

"We was llvin' at Rocky Head, I guess I told you b'fore?" "Yes," Louise said, interested. "The Bravo was makin' reg'lar trips from Newport to Bangor, Maine. Short-coastin' v'y'ges paid well in them days. There come a big storm in the spring onexpected. Mother'd got a letter from Cap'n Josh father he'd put out o' Newport with a sartain tide. He warn't jest a fair-weather skipper.

Yes, sir! Water does get stringy sometimes on long v'y'ges. It useter on whalin' cruises get all stringy and bad; but after she'd worked clear she'd be fit to drink again. "But this time in the Mary Bedloe it was something mysterious happened to the drinking water. Made the hull crew sick. Cap'n Jim Braman was master. He was a good navigator, but an awful profane man.

"Ah! why cannot men be content with the blessings that Providence places within our immediate reach, that they must make distant voyages to accumulate others!" "You like your tea, I fancy, Mary Pratt and the sugar in it, and your silks and ribbons that I've seen you wear; how are you to get such matters if there's to be no going on v'y'ges?