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'It's other parties as'll have the Beak on to 'em presently, said Ike, darkly, 'if they come a-trying to lay claims on my Poll parrot. You just shut up, Urb. Now then, you four little gells, get out er this. 'Little girls! cried Robert. 'I'll little girl you! He sprang up three stairs and hit out.

'If you don't, said Anthea, 'I shall fetch the police. 'You better! said he who was named Urb. 'Say, Ike, you twist the bloomin' pigeon's neck; he ain't worth tuppence. 'Oh, no, cried Jane, 'don't hurt it. Oh, don't; it is such a pet. 'I won't hurt it, said Ike; 'I'm 'shamed of you, Urb, for to think of such a thing. Arf a shiner, miss, and the bird is yours for life.

'Forbear, repeated the Phoenix, sternly. 'Who pinched the click off of the old bloke in Aldermanbury? it added, in a changed tone. 'Who sneaked the nose-rag out of the young gell's 'and in Bell Court? Who 'Stow it, said Ike. 'You! ugh! yah! leave go of me. Bash him off, Urb; 'e'll have my bloomin' eyes outer my ed.

'Youths, said the Phoenix, 'sons of misfortune, hear my words. 'My eyes! said Ike. 'Look out, Ike, said Urb, 'you'll throttle the joker and I see at wunst 'e was wuth 'is weight in flimsies.'00 'Hearken, O Eikonoclastes, despiser of sacred images and thou, Urbanus, dweller in the sordid city. Forbear this adventure lest a worse thing befall.

There were howls, a scuffle, a flutter; Ike and Urb fled up the stairs, and the Phoenix swept out through the doorway. The children followed and the Phoenix settled on Robert, 'like a butterfly on a rose, as Anthea said afterwards, and wriggled into the breast of his Norfolk jacket, 'like an eel into mud, as Cyril later said. 'Why ever didn't you burn him?

'I say, Urb, blowed if this ain't our Poll parrot what we lost. Thank you very much, lidy, for bringin' 'im home to roost. The four turned swiftly. Two large and ragged boys were crouched amid the dark shadows of the stairs. They were much larger than Robert and Cyril, and one of them had snatched the Phoenix away and was holding it high above their heads.

Another thing had impressed her: The stranger had mentioned these notables with no especial emphasis on the names; but instead, quite casually and in a manner which carried with it the impression that such noted folk as Mrs. Denton and her distinguished father, and Freddy Urb the court jester of the innermost holies of holies of Newport and Bar Harbor and Palm Beach, and Mrs.

Gordon-Tracy and Freddy Urb will be here in a little while. They'll be delighted to see you! Why, we'll have a reunion! Well, well, well!" He had said all this with scarcely a pause for breath and without giving her an opportunity to speak, as though surprise made him disregardful of labial punctuation of his sentences. Indeed, Mrs.

Nobody can read Tacitus, and not come to the conclusion that if any man ever wrote harmoniously, it is he; but any one reading the Annals must come to the very opposite conclusion, that Bracciolini is the very prince of rugged writers. Urb. Rom. Descript. Op. Hum. Cond. I. Op. Op.

Gordon-Tracy, of Newport, and Freddy Urb, the writer they're all in the party. And the favor I'm asking is that I may have the pleasure of presenting them to you that is, of course, unless you already know them so that I may enjoy the looks on their faces when they find out that you are not Mrs. Beeman Watrous. I know they'll behave as I did. They won't believe it at first. May I?"