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"Well, I am glad I knew of this in time," I said, glancing at my writing-table, which was strewn with unsent invitation cards, and estimates from decorators and ball furnishers. "I shall not think of starting any more gayeties till you return." He looked gratefully at me "Really? It is very kind of you, but I should be sorry to interfere with any of your plans "

I don't know how you feel it, but to me it is no small comfort being on horseback instead of tramping along these heavy roads on foot. The brigadier is a capital fellow; and though he does keep us hard at work, at any rate he works hard himself, and does not send us galloping about with all sorts of trivial messages that might as well be unsent. Besides, he is always thoughtful and considerate.

"Now, I'll tell you what he is going to say," said Mark Twain, read his own unsent epistle aloud, and then, opening his friend's despatch, proved that they were essentially identical. This is what he calls "Mental Telegraphy"; others call it "Telepathy," and the term is merely descriptive. Now, on his own showing, in our second extract, Dr.

He was diligent to enquire who of his Parish were sick, or any ways distressed, and would often visit them, unsent for; supposing that the fittest time to discover to them those errors, to which health and prosperity had blinded them.

By Charles Dudley Warner Queen Elizabeth being dead about ten o'clock in the morning, March 24, 1603, Sir Robert Cary posted away, unsent, to King James of Scotland to inform him of the "accident," and got made a baron of the realm for his ride.

"And so the paintings are still unsent, Though years ago their spirit went. "Two pictures hang in my treasured thought My dream of those the artist wrought. "They are sweet and fadeless, and soothe my sight, When weary and sad, with a strange delight. "But the light which shows their marvellous art Is the generous glow of the painter's heart.

But "Blind Vision," "The Unsent Letter," "His Escape," "The Boy's Mother" and "The Sixth Man" are now made accessible in book form, and give this anthology its present value. This is the best anthology of the American short story from about 1860 to 1910 which has been published, or which is likely to be published.

You said 'best gifts came unasked; perhaps, they also go unsent! This one can never go, Dick. I know now I have been waiting for it a billion years; ages and ages ago when you and I were cave people or desert runners like the 20,000 B. C. skeleton in the British Museum; and in the shuffle of atoms, we got apart. We shall never stray again; for I have locked last night in my heart.

And there was a day that came upon the heels of these when the profits of the telegraph company must have been unusual, for only two words came instead of ten "Recovery doubtful." This might as well have been left unsent, for I tore it up and assured the waiting pair that no news was good news.

And though these Statutes were not then made so perfectly useful as they were designed, till Archbishop Laud's time who assisted in the forming and promoting them; yet our present Proctor made them as effectual as discretion and diligence could do: of which one example may seem worthy the noting; namely, that if in his night-walk he met with irregular Scholars absent from their Colleges at University hours, or disordered by drink, or in scandalous company, he did not use his power of punishing to an extremity; but did usually take their names, and a promise to appear before him unsent for next morning; and when they did, convinced them, with such obligingness, and reason added to it, that they parted from him with such resolutions, as the man after God's own heart was possessed with, when he said, "There is mercy with thee, and therefore thou shall be feared:" Psal. cxxx. 4.