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How high might not a man climb, who had married the daughter of the Queen's under-porter, and had sometimes the ear of my lord, the Queen's minister my lord of Beauvais in whom all men saw the coming master of France! my lord whose stately presence beamed on a world still chilled by the dead hand of Richelieu! But that morning, that very morning, I was to learn that who climbs may fall.

And now another newcomer appears on the field, to wit, the under-porter, with his long brush and great wooden receptacle for dust under his arm. He has been sweeping out the schools. "You'd better stop, gentlemen," he says; "the Doctor knows that Brown's fighting he'll be out in a minute."

"I'm sorry, mate," he ses, "but did you see me speak to that party just now?" "The one you flicked with your whip?" ses Ginger. "No; he was speaking to me," ses the cabman. "The last one, I mean." "Wot about it?" ses Peter. "He's the under-porter at the horsepittle," ses the cabman, spitting; "and he tells me that every bed is bung full, and two patients apiece in some of 'em."

"Miller said he was coming up directly, so you can ask him; I really heard nothing of it. Hark, there are steps coming up the staircase now." It proved to be Miller himself, followed by the under-porter, a good-tempered fellow, who was the factotum of the under-graduates at late hours, when the ordinary staff of servants had left college for the night.

The under-porter of the School-house entered during the performance, bearing five or six long wooden candlesticks with lighted dips in them, which he proceeded to stick into their holes in such part of the great tables as he could get at; and then stood outside the ring till the end of the song, when he was hailed with shouts. "Bill you old muff, the half-hour hasn't struck."

Huge draught-proof doors were swung round for me by an ironically polite under-porter in a magnificent green uniform, who looked at my clothes as he listened to my question and then with a German accent referred me to a gorgeous head porter, who directed me to a princely young man behind a counter of brass and polish, like a bank like several banks.

But the appearance of the porter and under-porter with a tray covered with a snow-white cloth, which, being thrown back, displayed a pair of cold roast fowls, flanked by some potted meats and a cool salad, quickly restored his good humour.

Is it all right?" "Yes, sir; yes, sir," said the clerk. And old Watkins slid his hand into his breeches pocket, and it came forth filled with gold and silver. "Come, come, mates, we are bound to 'ave a bet on him for the Chesterfield we can afford it now; what say yer, a shilling each?" "Done for a shilling each," said the under-porter; "finest 'orse in training.... What price, Musser Watkins?"

It was from the little man at the employment desk of the Twenty-third Street Y.M.C.A. that I got my real introduction to business life if the vocation of a porter can be called "business." I became an under-porter in a wholesale house on Broadway at five dollars a week, and spent a winter at the job. The head of the house was a leader of national reputation in his particular denomination.

And now another newcomer appears on the field, to-wit, the under-porter, with his long brush and great wooden receptacle for dust under his arm. He has been sweeping out the schools. "You'd better stop, gentlemen," he says; "the doctor knows that Brown's fighting he'll be out in a minute." "You go to Bath, Bill," is all that that excellent servitor gets by his advice.