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With her heart beating very fast, but trying to look quite calm and unconcerned, she walked sturdily on. As soon as she had got past him, she thought, and had turned the corner, she would race home as fast as her legs could carry her, and if she did spill some milk granny would forgive her when she knew how frightened she had been.

There may be some nominal Christians, however, already as unconcerned about the future and devoted to the present life, as Mr. For "Secularism is only the Latin term for the old Saxon worldliness: Secularism has more elements of union than perhaps any other phase of infidelity; it has the worldliness of mere nominal Christians, as well as of real infidels."

Each of the gentlemen carried a thick stick, with a large tassel at the top, which he occasionally twirled gracefully round; and the whole four, by way of looking easy and unconcerned, were walking with a paralytic swagger irresistibly ludicrous.

I averted my eyes as quickly as possible, and tried to look absolutely unconcerned. "I am sure he cannot be looking at me," I said, lightly. "I do not know him at all." I hoped that my mother-in-law would not notice my evasion, but she was too quick for me. "You may not know him, but have you ever seen him before?" she asked, shrewdly.

Notwithstanding my excitement, I managed to saunter into the house with an unconcerned air. There was a chorus of voices: "Where are your blackberries?" "Why were you gone so long?" "Where's your pail?" "I left the pail." "Left the pail? What for?" "A bear wanted it." "Oh, nonsense!" "Well, the last I saw of it, a bear had it." "Oh, come! You didn't really see a bear?"

I said in as unconcerned a tone as I could, "I have given away Nastasey's watch." David looked at me and passed the brush over his temples. "Yes," I added in the same businesslike voice, "I have given it away. There is a very poor boy, a beggar, you know, so I have given it to him." David put down the brush on the washing-stand.

Mark went on as silently as he could, and the major kept back the two animals and waited a minute five minutes, ten minutes and then softly followed, to find the lad at the edge of a glade watching a flock of great lavender-hued and feather-crowned pigeons, as big as fowls, feeding in the most unconcerned manner.

Cecilia recognized him at once, and he had the audacity to bow slightly to her. There were one or two young fellows down in the corner of the room, sitting so idly and so flagrantly unconcerned that Cecilia knew they must be newspaper men time enough for them to show interest when anything interesting occurred.

Helen was already seated within, smiling, looking placid and unconcerned. 'By then, she announced lightly, 'I'll be gone; so it won't matter. 'Gone? he demanded sharply. 'Where? 'East. Mr. Carr has gone on ahead. We are to meet him in New York. He sat down upon a rock just outside her door and made no attempt to hide what was in his heart.

In his childhood and youth he was by no means expansive, and talked little indeed, but not from shyness or a sullen unsociability; quite the contrary, from something different, from a sort of inner preoccupation entirely personal and unconcerned with other people, but so important to him that he seemed, as it were, to forget others on account of it.