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She stopped again, clenching and unclenching her fingers, as if she were strangling some living thing. There was silence for a long moment. "What can you do?" she asked suddenly. Her voice was calm and unemotional again. The abruptness of the transition from passion to the practical took Betty aback. She could not speak. "There must be something," continued Mrs. Oakley.

Robert Cairn began to stride up and down the room, clenching and unclenching his fists. He was a shadow of his former self, but now his cheeks were flushed and his eyes feverishly bright. "Before Heaven!" he cried suddenly, "the situation is becoming unbearable. A thing more deadly than the Plague is abroad here in London.

Probably that hate-blackness on the other face was for the would-be assassin and not for himself, argued Maggard. Rowlett went over and stood by the hearth, staring into the fire, his hands clenching and unclenching in spasmodic violence. This was a queer dream, mused Maggard, and more and more insistently it refused to seem a dream.

For weeks he had foreshadowed this meeting in his dreams, and the fear had so worked on him that he had learned a trick of glancing suddenly over his shoulder. Casely looked steadily down at the young Squire for a time that seemed long, and then, unclenching his tense jaw, said quietly "It wasn't me you were expecting to meet." "I didn't expect to meet you.

"But it was this which brought the tragedy, the thing you have asked me to tell you about," he said, unclenching his hands slowly, and then tightening them again until the blood ebbed from their veins. "Interests were coming in; the tentacles of power and greed were reaching out, encroaching steadily a little nearer to our cup at the foot of the mountain.

The old man, sunk beneath his pile of cushions, his brown skinny hand clenching and unclenching above the rugs, was muttering to himself. In Peter himself, as he stood there by the fire, looking down on the old man, there was tremendous pity. He had never felt so tenderly towards his grandfather before; it was, perhaps, because he had himself grown up all in a day.

He never noticed the clenching and unclenching of her small hands or saw the whiteness of her tense averted face, and he began teasing her about her pony and her weight. "Nevil must buy you a brand new one, up to your weight," he suggested, "you've broken Folly's spirit evidently." He was standing on the steps, just one step below her, and he looked back laughing.

She must do something, else this agony of uncertainty and suspense would drive her mad. She strode up and down at a pace which left her breathless, clenching and unclenching her hands, while thickly, between set teeth, she raved at Essie Tisdale, upon whom her venom concentrated. "I could throttle her!" She looked at her curved, outspread fingers, tense and strong as steel hooks.

With a little stifled cry she sprang up and began pacing the room restlessly up and down, up and down, her slim hands clenching and unclenching as she walked. Presently she could, not have told whether it was five minutes or five hours later she heard the click of a latch-key in the lock. At the sound, the imperative need for self-control rushed over her.

He shuddered, and I could see Alison's hands clenching and unclenching with the strain. "All at once it struck me that the man was strangely silent, and I think I lost my nerve. Anyhow, I drew the curtains open a little, and let the light fall on my hands. They were red, blood-red."