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And then, sweet and soft through the waiting, hushed air, came the notes of Major Rand's cornet. He was playing for his comrades as he had played at Shiloh, at Chickamauga and many another place in the Southland. He played all their old favorites and then very, very softly the cornet wailed "We are tenting to-night on the old camp ground" and somewhere beside it little Jim Tumley began to sing.

But Julia looked down most perseveringly, and screamed still louder; so Mr Wititterly rang the bell, and danced in a frenzied manner round the sofa on which Mrs Wititterly lay; uttering perpetual cries for Sir Tumley Snuffim, and never once leaving off to ask for any explanation of the scene before him. 'Run for Sir Tumley, cried Mr Wititterly, menacing the page with both fists.

They say India's chuckful of it but law it'll take more than magic to save little Jim Tumley, for he's beginning again. While the minister kept close he was all right but the housewarming and that poolroom took up time, and then Jim's sister, Mrs. Hoskins, got sick and Jim goes there to play and sing to her, and you know what George Hoskins is.

And then, when the deathly silence was becoming unbearable, a girl in a dress like pink sea foam rose from her chair and stepped quietly, daintily down the room until she stood beside the swaying figure of Jim Tumley. She placed her hand gently on the little man's arm and turned to her Green Valley neighbors. "I shall sing the old songs with him," she said quietly.

We shall save Jim Tumley yet and purify Green Valley." When Nan got back home she went up to her room and looked down to where Cynthia Churchill's old home glowed among its autumn-tattered trees. "What a woman! What a mother! And he is her son!" She stood a long time at her window, then turned away with a little sigh. "I am not made of heroic stuff.

Why, mother's wonderful in her way, David! Why, I just know she can do something for Jim Tumley." David shook his head. "Jocelyn," he sighed, "it'll take this whole town and God Almighty too to save Jim Tumley now." "Well, mother will do her share. And, Dav id, I'd like another kiss if you don't mind." David didn't mind in the least.

"Yes he is," a strange voice chirped somewhere near the door. Green Valley turned and looked and froze with horror. For there, staggering grotesquely, came little Jim Tumley, a piteous figure. He had kept his promise to his new friend he had come to sing the old songs. Not a soul stirred. Only somewhere in the heart of the seated audience Frank Burton groaned.

And Grandma just said, 'My land, nobody's ever thought of that but I'll speak of it. "Well, she did and the consequence is that Mary Tumley is so nervous she can't sleep. She says if she takes the savings out of the bank there won't be enough money for a Keeley cure, or a respectable funeral for Jim in case he dies.

And just put it up to them as to which they want, Jim Tumley or fifteen hundred a year, and see what they say." Jake was the richest man of all the men packed in Billy Evans' office. He could afford to talk bravely for he had no need to curry any man's favor. And he could demand respectful attention for his opinions. There were those present who resented this independence.

Frank never forgot that one fight of Jim's. He shot head and shoulders over his friend and filled out beyond all recognition and took his turn at fighting. And most of his battles then as now were over little Jim Tumley. To Frank, Jim was the one great friend life had given him.