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But long before the Tinker came to the last verse his tongue began to trip and his head to spin, because of the strong waters mixed with the ale. First his tongue tripped, then it grew thick of sound; then his head wagged from side to side, until at last he fell asleep as though he never would waken again.

Karl, the waiter, felt bound to rouse these abstracted guests, and stimulate their appetites. He affected, therefore, to look on them as people who had not yet breakfasted, and tripped up to Mr. Ashmead with a bill of fare, rather scanty. The busiest Englishman can eat, and Ashmead had no objection to snatch a mouthful; he gave his order in German with an English accent.

"Much better," said Rachel, "thank you." And Louis Fores joined easily in "You may say, very much better." "That's rare good news! Rare good news!" said Malkin. "I heard you had an anxious night of it.... Go across and pay at the other counter, my dears." Then he called out loudly "One and seven, please." The little girls tripped importantly away. "Yes, indeed," Rachel agreed.

That precious pair tripped us up at the last step; but I will make them pay dear for their pranks. "One day more and Lucien would have been a rich man; he might have married his Clotilde de Grandlieu. Then the boy would have been all my own! And to think that our fate depends on a look, on a blush of Lucien's under Camusot's eye, who sees everything, and has all a judge's wits about him!

She colored, and nodded in comprehension, and at once tripped across the hall, carrying with her the card and jewel-box. "Mind, I shall be close at hand," I whispered after her; which she acknowledged, before the door hid her from me, with one of her bright, friendly smiles. I then went and threw the front door wide open. Burke jumped as if I had unexpectedly fired a shot at him.

Fortunately, he misinterpreted my silence and the "stony glare" with which it was accompanied. "I know that it must seem to you altogether too bad, to be tripped up at the moment of your anticipated triumph. But if apologies will suffice to express our sense of presumption, then I pray you to accept them, Miss Butterworth, both on my own part and on that of the Superintendent of Police."

The great uplifted trunk gave one whirl in the air and descended with force enough to slay an ox. It struck poor Mildmay on his right side, and, but for the fortunate accident of his having at that moment tripped and fallen forward, the lieutenant would there and then have lost the number of his mess.

WILL you go and do what I ask and stop talking," moaned the man, faintly. And, with a little sobbing cry, Pollyanna went. Pollyanna did not stop now to look up at the patches of blue between the sunlit tops of the trees. She kept her eyes on the ground to make sure that no twig nor stone tripped her hurrying feet. It was not long before she came in sight of the house.

"But the abbe and your secretary are gone for a walk, and two of my men are on shore, too." "That's no matter; we shall pick them up again at Antibes; it's only ten leagues, and they have plenty of money. I must go, and directly. Make haste." "All right." He tripped the anchor, and the felucca began to swing away from the shore. The officer asked me in great astonishment what it meant.

However, when they had actually gained the gate of the château, he boldly resolved to kiss his fair enslaver; but, after a moment, his resolution failed, and his legs tottered under him. Without hearing the lady's sweet "good night," as she tripped gaily from him, he exclaimed, "Madam, can you love me?"