United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It would have been easy to have cooked up all kinds of trouble for our precious gang, but I managed to get the boys in a frivolous mood, so they merely came up and had fun." "I should say they did!" Bert interjected. "They dragged the crowd out of the shaft and they were a tough-looking proposition, I can tell you! and stood them up in a row.

They were peasants, searching for plunder. After awhile there came a loud rapping at the front door. I leaned over the parapet and asked who was there. A Tough-looking man replied: "I have a letter for you." Fearing some trick, to break into the house, I lowered a long cord and told him to tie the letter to it. He did so. I pulled up a large sheet of dirty wrapping-paper.

In the long corridor they passed tough-looking enlisted guardsmen who were heavily armed, and before being allowed into the conference room, they were scrutinized by a burly officer. Finally inside, they were allowed to sit down in soft chairs and were given hot cups of tea to drink while precise, careful interrogators took down the story of their first meeting with the Venusian Nationalists.

The irreverent had nicknamed this the "yap-wagon"; and declared that the company maintained a fake "opium-joint" in Chinatown, and a fake "dive" in the Bowery, and hired tough-looking individuals to sit and be stared at by credulous excursionists from Oklahoma and Kalamazoo.

Loring to take to his wife would not be withdrawn from the quartermaster's safe, much less sent forth upon their perilous way. Not until after Colonel Turnbull and the engineer had ridden off southward, escorted by a sergeant with six tough-looking troopers; not until after Loring's announcement that the jewels themselves had been sent ahead; not until after Mr.

I forget his number now and I don't know how it is he comes to be overlooked when we're cleaning out the gallery; but he's there all right, full face and side view, with his gallery number in big white figures on his chest. And, commissioner, he's a pretty tolerable tough-looking Ginney." The witness checked an inclination to grin.

Three Kerothi shot after the explosion that ruined the A-A drive, and before the fifty-gee acceleration." He looked at the sergeant. "What do you think happened?" "He got away," the tough-looking noncom said grimly. "Took the courier boat and scooted away from here." "Why did he set the timer on the drive, then? What was the purpose of that fifty-gee blast?" "To distract us, I'd say, sir.

He was a tough-looking customer of nearly fifty. From out of his leathery sun-and-wind beaten face, hard eyes looked without expression. "Bad Bill" Cranston he was called, and the man looked as if he had earned his sobriquet. "And what if he ain't here?" snarled the fourth. "Are you aiming to sit down and wait for him?" "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Bad Bill answered.

He also saw that they were sitting near, and where they could watch every move of a man who answered precisely to the corporal's description, and as he passed on up through the crowd he almost touched him. His hair was long and hung down on his shoulders about a face that was villainous, and he was "armed to the teeth." There were other tough-looking men seated near this man, each one armed also.

When it came to altered looks, Wallie had no monopoly on surprise. The Happy Family found it difficult to reconcile this rather tough-looking young man with the nice, neat boy who had blown them kisses from the motor bus. "Now, what sort of a conveyance have you provided?" inquired Mr. Stott, who had taken the initiative in such matters during the trip.