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"Quite remarkable," she rejoined cheerfully. "But the war isn't over yet, Tommy-boy. And if our lives are spared we've got to finish our educations and all that. Why, Tommy, you are scarcely out of short pants, and I've only begun to put my hair up." "Jimminy!" he grumbled, "you do take all the starch out of a fellow. Now tell me how you got gas. What happened?"

"Work was made for slaves. And Tom had a hard time over in France. I tell dad he ought not to expect Tommy-boy to really work for a long, long time to come." "Do you think that is right, Helen?" admonished her chum. "Idleness was never good for anybody." "It isn't as though Tom was poor. He hasn't got to toil and delve in an old office " "You know it isn't that," cried Ruth warmly.

I can see that we are going to have perfectly scrumptious times before this picture you are going to make is finished." "I hope we'll fool Bilby leave him behind," sighed Ruth. "The worst of it is, we must leave Tommy-boy behind," said Tom's twin. "Won't he be sore when he hears about it!"

"Why, I never knew you to be hard on Tommy-boy before!" pouted Tom's sister. "Perhaps I never had occasion to be hard on him before," Ruth answered. "He is only one of many. Especially many of those who were over there in France. They seem to be so unsettled and and so careless for the future." "Regular female Simon Legree, you are, Ruthie Fielding."

"However, you need not give all your attention to these prize stories, need you? Let's do something besides follow these sun-worshippers around to-day." "All right, Tommy-boy," acclaimed his sister. "What do you suggest?" "A run along the coast to Reef Harbor where there are a lot of folks we know," Tom promptly replied. "Not in that old Tocsin," cried Jennie.

"I found him out. And he's not to be compared with Tommy-boy." "I quite agree with you that is, considering Tom as a brother," observed Ruth, and after that refused to be led into further discussion regarding Chess Copley. It was not often that Ruth and Helen had a disagreement. And this was not really of importance. At least, there was no sign of contention between them in the morning.

In fact, the queer old fellow said he was willing to abdicate in Tom's favor, and now, I suppose, Tommy-boy is King of the Pipes," and Helen, the irrepressible, grinned. The two ex-army men, however, took the matter quite seriously. Tom disarmed the Chinamen as well as the white men. And to search and disarm a squirming Oriental, they found not easy work.

Then the girl of the Red Mill found her roommate rather irritable. Helen pouted and was frankly cross when she spoke. "I don't see what you find so interesting in Chess Copley," she observed, brushing her hair before the glass. "He is nice I think," replied Ruth placidly. "And you just ignore Tommy-boy." "I could not very well refuse Chess when he invited me into his launch.

"Right-o!" he agreed, more cheerfully. "I suppose there really is nothing the matter. Yet, whatever else Chess Copley is, he's not the sort of fellow to keep a girl out till midnight on the river when there is nobody else along." "Humph! Do you think Ruth is a mere chit of a flapper? You are old-fashioned, Tommy-boy. The day of the chaperon is about over."

For he figures importantly in this picture we are about to make up on the St. Lawrence." "Fine!" exclaimed Helen Cameron. "There is going to be something doing besides picture making. Why, Ruth! you couldn't keep me from going with you to-morrow. And I know Tommy-boy will be crazy to be in it, too." Ruth made an appealing gesture as Helen began to back and turn the car.

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