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The inhabitants of the upper, as well as the lower classes, vied with each other in testifying their affection for his person, and their zeal for his cause. While the latter rent the air with applauses and acclamations, the former opened their houses to him and to his followers, and furnished his army with necessaries and supplies of every kind.

Wherefore, having heard of the fame of, the Mongals, I desired to come to them; and hearing that Sartach had become a Christian, I directed my journey to him, and my sovereign the king of the French sent him letters containing good words of friendship, testifying what men we were, and requesting we might be permitted to remain with the people of Moal That Sartach had sent us to Baatu, and he had ordered us to Mangu-khan, whom we had entreated and still do entreat to suffer us to stay."

I was able to get up this morning, and to take my meals. Last night I was led to praise God for having made me His child, considering that I was most likely the only one on board that knew Him. This morning, however, I found a sister in the Lord among the passengers, with whom I had much conversation. At dinner she manifested more grace, in testifying against evil, than I did.

Yollop. I think Mr. Yollop lied." The State: "I see. Then you do not believe your husband could have deceived you I withdraw that, Mr. Reporter. You do not believe that your husband is base enough to have married another woman, or women, without first having obtained a legal divorce from you?" Mrs. Smilk: "I wouldn't be up here testifying in his behalf if I thought that, you bet.

A Yankee scamper trip, one might say, but for the result testifying to the enormous energy of the traveller. "He speaks lightly," says Mr. Froude, "of having seen Kolin, Torgau, etc. etc. No one would guess from reading these short notices that he had mastered the details of every field he visited; not a turn of the ground, not a brook, not a wood ... had escaped him.... There are no mistakes.

And those great events and the prophecies in which they have been predicted, have been explained in the first three of my above mentioned German volumes; and we have so many credentials or signs according to prophecies testifying our mission, that while we were writing the fifth of my above mentioned five volumes, we were repeating, that sensible readers of those volumes were aware, that five hundred volumes could be written, testifying our mission.

Still Perdita would expect him; he wrote a few incoherent words on a scrap of paper, testifying that he was well, and bade the woman of the house take it to the palace, and deliver it into the hands of the wife of the Lord Protector. The woman, who did not know him, contemptuously asked, how he thought she should gain admittance, particularly on a festal night, to that lady's presence?

"Now you see, with all this against her, Eleanore Leavenworth is lost if it cannot be proved, first that the articles testifying against her, viz.: the handkerchief, letter, and key, passed after the murder through other hands, before reaching hers; and secondly, that some one else had even a stronger reason than she for desiring Mr. Leavenworth's death at this time.

And removing him, he raised up unto them David to be king; respecting whom also he spake testifying, "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who shall perform all my intentions ." From this man's seed according to the promise hath God raised up to Israel a Saviour, Jesus: John having preached before his first coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.

The bare ground here is littered with pottery and other fragments of ancient life testifying to its former populousness: flint implements, among the rest.