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And ever shall be so, replied she tartly, only to punish your carelessness of a lady's favour; know, that it was a piece of wit which would have been highly agreeable to you: but don't expect I shall take the pains to write it over again, or even tell you the subject on which it turned.

Now and then he felt an impulse to scold Phillida herself; but his affectionate pity held him back. His irritation had the satisfaction of finding an object on which to vent itself at length when Phillida said: "If Mrs. Frankland would admit men to her readings, Charley, I'm sure that if you could only hear her explain the Bible " "No, thank you," said Millard, tartly. "Mrs.

This latter remark was made to Stiff, whose countenance indicated that he had no desire to undertake a harder day's march than usual. The effect of the remark was to stir up all the Yankee's pride. "I'll tell 'ee what it is, Mister Gore," said he, tartly; "you may think yourself an oncommon hard walker, but Obadiah Stiff is not the man to cave in to any white man alive.

For some reason Virginia seemed to have a vague suspicion that Hepsey was still making fun of her; and being considerably nettled, she interjected tartly: "I'm not working for the verdict of posterity, and I don't care a flip for the Christian martyrs. I'm trying to conduct a day-nursery, here and now; we have the beds, and the equipment, and some money, and "

A sudden flash of merriment came into the shrewd eyes. "That is my name," she observed. "Do you remember how you worked at Huntington's to get money for college? It is my turn now." "I remember how you scolded me for it," Theodora responded tartly. "What has turned you to this whim, Babe?" "It is no whim. It is a good profession, and other women no smarter than I, have succeeded in it."

It was the first week of October; a cold wind rustled the yellowing plane trees, and open-air seats offered no strong temptation. The two conversed as they walked along. Polly had not mentioned in her letter any special reason for wishing to see Mr. Gammon, nor did she hasten to make known her discovery. "Why do you wear a 'at like that on a Sunday?" she began by asking, tartly.

"And how do I know the Minturn dam will burst, Dr. Davison?" asked Mr. Potter, tartly. "You don't know it. I'm only advising that precaution." "And if it don't burst I'll have my pains for my trouble and no water for the summer, perhaps. They wouldn't let me have water later, if I needed it." "But you're risking your own property here." "And it's mine to risk, Dr.

"Not being deaf, I do," said the Captain, a little tartly any reflection on his hearing always nettled him; "but what on earth they are for I can't conceive. You had better get up and dress yourself." "I'm nearly dressed, sir." "BOOM! BOOM!" two of the guns had gone off together.

"Oh, what oh, what will your father say, Miss Edgarton?" "What will Father say?" drawled little Eve Edgarton. Thuddingly she set down the empty beef-jar. "Oh, Father'll say: What in creation is Eve out trying to save to-night? A dog? A cat? A three-legged deer?" "Well, what do you expect to save?" quizzed Barton a bit tartly. "Just you," acknowledged little Eve Edgarton without enthusiasm.

Since her lover was unwilling to speak to her of his mother, she attributed his reserve to a certain aristocratic arrogance, even to a lack of consideration, for her, at which the pride of the freewoman and the plebeian was up in arms. She was wont to say to him tartly: "I'm perfectly free to speak of your mother." The first time she had added: "Mine is just as good as yours."